
5 thoughts on ““中国历史文化”阅读书目

  1. Hanning Zheng





    Wong, Sin Kiong 2012, Confucianism, Chinese History and Society.

    David G. Atwill, Yurong Y. Atwill. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2010 Sources in Chinese history : diverse perspectives from 1644 to the present

    John Bryan Starr, Hill and Wang 1997, Understanding China: A Guide to China’s Economy, History and Political Culture.

    Zang Yi Ping, China Intercontinental Press, Roads to the world series- The opening of the silk road

    Endymion Wikison, Chinese History: A New Manual (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series)

    国务院侨务办公室 国家汉语推广项目小组 高等教育出版社 Common knowledge about Chinese history 中国历史常识(中英对照)

    Bai Shouyi Foreign languages Press Beijing An Outline History of Chin BHT114

    W. Scott Morton, Charlton M. Lewis China: Its History and Culture BHT120

    匡华出版公司 编印 《中华传统文化在台湾》0000207816141

    皮远长 主编 武汉大学出版社2000 《荆楚文化》


  2. Anna Xu


    汪运衡,《郑家村的孩子们》汪运衡 (Chn Coll PZ 10.831 W46 Z345 1972)

    邵笑冬,惠小玲,《大字故事书全4册:(寓言故事、神话故事、成语故事、明 间故事)》(吉林美术出版社,2009)

    徐振亚,《怎样与中国人打交道》/“The Way We Communicate” (华语教学出版社,2012)

    Alexander, William, and George Henry Mason. Views of 18th Century China. Studio Editions, 1998. Print.

    Arnold, Eve. In China. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1980. DS 712 A7 1980. Print.

    Cameron, Nigel. Spectacular China. China Travel and Tourism Press, 1997. DS 712 C32 1997. Print

    Chung, Mou Si. Introduction to Chinese Culture. Foreign Language Press. Print.

    Maher, Edwin. My Daily China. Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press, 2007. Print.

    Murowchick, Robert E. Cradles of Civilization: China. University of Oklahoma Press, 1994. DS 754.14 C55 1994. Print

    Qiu, Yao Hong. Origins of Chinese Food Culture. Asiapac Books Pte Limited, 2002. Print.

    Su, Sungwan. Yikang’s Day: From Day to Dusk in a Chinese City. Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd, 2010. Print.

    Yen Mah, Adeline. China: Land of Dragons and Emperors. Allen & Unwin, 2008. Print.

    Zhang Yu, and Stuart Allen. Chinese Made Fun《多彩汉语50个趣味故事》. Foreign Language Press, 2011. Print.

  3. James Jones

    Brook, Timothy. The Troubled Empire: China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. Print.

    Chang, Leslie T. Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China

    Chang, Jung. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China

    Cunningham, Philip J. Tiananmen Moon: Inside the Chinese Student Uprising of 1989

    Fenby, Johnathan. The Penguin History of Modern China: The Fall and Rise of Great Power, 1850 to the Present, Second Edition.

    任何Peter Hessler写的书,最好是River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze《河边镇,两年在长江》

    Lau, Joseph H. M. The Colombia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature.. 选出来几个故事要求学生读。

    Lee, Ann. What the US can learn from China: An Open-Minded Guide to Treating our Greatest Competitor as our Greatest Teacher

    Pai, Hsiao-Hung. Chinese Whispers: The True Story Behind Britain’s Hidden Army of Labour by

    Xun, Lu, Julia Lovell and Yiyun Li. The Real Story of Ah-Q and Other Tales of China: the Complete fiction of Lu Xun

    Yang, Gene Leun. American Born Chinese

    Yu, Anthony C. The Monkey and the Monk: An Abridgement to the Journey to the West


    虽然这本书不是一个正式的历史书,作者Peter Hessler《何伟》利用调查报告方法丰富的描写他时间在四川是怎么过的。“和平对“派他去那边当英语老师。在那个是后1997年,他的观感那么有意思,我还记得看这本书的好几个文化教训:“中国的微笑“,“现在注意”等。我2006年看着本书的时候我是刚从中国回来的。是我第二次在中国了。Hessler的解释让我更懂自己在中国实验的感觉。
    这本书真的会让学生知道一般的中国人在一个平原的地方怎么样。在最后一章, Fuling镇被三峡大坝洪水了。真的让读者很沮丧,因为读者花了好几百页读懂那边的角色,最后他们房子(从书里参加过好多次)不见了。让我学生知道穷得中国人在三峡那边的生活怎么倒霉。

    我也想选出来Chang的Factory Girls。

    我挑出来了这两本调查报告书因为作者自己在当时当地实验中国的生活,所以让作者的相信度提高的很。这两本书的历史既然当今,就更吸引学生。初高中生不敢度古老历史,他们受不了,然而作者讲的事情里有魅力的因素:因为我在中国教书跟Hessler一样学生有机会问我更灵通的问题比较我和Hessler的观察。Factory Girls的剧情发生在我住的南方,并且这本书的布景在富士康工厂,学生能发现他们亲爱苹果牌的电子品是被人做的啊!

  4. Sin Wen Hsu

    Chang, J. (2003). Wild swans, three daughters of china. New York: Touchstone Books.
    (《 鴻─三代中國女人的故事》 張戎 著)
    Chen, D. (2001). China’s son: Growing up in the cultural revolution. (1 ed.). New York: Delacorte Books for Young Readers.
    Hessler, P. (2001). River town: two years on the yangtze. New York: Harper Perennial.
    Hessler, P. (2006). Oracle bones. New York: HerperCollins Publishers.
    Hessler, P. (2010). Country driving, a journey through china from farm to factory. Harpercollins.

    Hsu, C. (2012). China: A new cultural history (masters of chinese studies) . New York: Columbia University Press
    (《萬古江河──中國歷史文化的轉折與開展》許倬雲著 )
    Huang, R. (1996). China, a macro history . New York: M. E. Sharpe.
    (《中國大歷史》黃仁宇著 )
    Spence, J. D. (1990). The search for modern china. (1st. paperback ed.). New York: Norton.
    Spence , J. D. (1998). The chan’s great continent : China in western minds. New York : Norton.

    Herzberg, Q. X., & Herzberg, L. (2012). Chinese proverbs and popular sayings: With observations on culture and language . Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press.
    Ma , J. H. S. (2003). Learning through listening: An introduction to chinese proverbs and their origins. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture Univ Press. (《聽故事學成語》)

  5. Shuguang (Rose) Wang

    Bai, Shouyi. An Outline History of China (2nd Revised Ed.) 中国通史纲要, Foreign Languages
    Press, 2002
    Beeching, Jack. The Chinese Opium Wars, Mariner Books, 1977
    Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth (Oprah’s Book Club Ed.), Washington Square Press, 2004
    Chang, Jung. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, Touchstone Press, 2003
    Gai, Zhaoquan E. Foreign Leaders’ Perspectives on China: Simplified Characters (Chinese Ed.),
    Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001
    Lynch, Michael. The Chinese Civil War 1945-49 (Essential Histories), Osprey Publishing, 2010
    Preston, Diana. The Boxer Rebellion: The Dramatic Stories of China’sWar on Foreigners that
    Shook the World in the Summer of 1900, Berkley Books, 2001
    Wang, Jian & Fang,Xiaoyan, An Illustrated Record of Chinese Civilization中国文明史(英
    文),Readers Digest,2009
    Wei, Jing. Grandma’s China 外婆的中国: 我亲历中国的改变(英文版), China
    Intercontinental Press, 2010
    Wong, David H.T. Escape to Gold Mountain: A Graphic History of the Chinese in North
    America, Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012
    Yung, Judy. Unbound Feet: A Social History of Chinese Women in San Francisco, University of
    California Press, 1995

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