The Widow’s Clearing

This week’s post begins at what is by now, a fairly common trailhead for my runs, the Brooks Road parking lot.  This trailhead, a mile or so downhill from the Middlebury College Snow Bowl, has been the starting point for several of my blogged runs over the last year, most recently a post entitled “A Read More…

To Silver Lake on the Pipeline

Authoring this blog has had the benefit of keeping me from getting in ruts (figuratively, not literally) on my runs – I can’t keep writing up the same routes, so I am constantly on the lookout for new places to run, or potentially interesting variations on old favorites.  Today’s run is an example of the Read More…

Silver Lake+

For my first post, I am sharing one of my all time favorites.  This one has it all – hills (800-900 vertical feet of climbing and descent, but hey – who is counting!), cool shady trails, and lots of water for swimming and drinking.  It is about 5.5 miles, but takes longer than you would Read More…