Fun With AutoHotKey

Are you defessus of selecting text and copying the text and opening your browser and clicking onto the Google search window and pasting what you copyed into it and hitting the enter key in order to find out what a word or concept is? I bet right now you are doing that with the word defessus…if not maybe you should (maybe you already know what it means idk). Lucky for us AutoHotKey can help automatize this process. Only drawback is that this program is PC only…sory Mac 🙁 

First I downloaded AutoHotkey here by clicking on Autohotkey Installer. After the insatall was complete I set up a folder/file on my computer where I could save the hotkeys that I created or use. After that I went here to find out how to make an AutoHotKey script and use them. This should get you started, happy hotkeying 🙂

Note: In the Creating a Script section the first instruction says “1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to a folder of your choice.” what this means is: Open the folder/file that you set up where you want to save your Autohotkeys.

This is the Script I used to make a Hot key for finding English word definitions (you can just copy and past it into the new AutoHotKey you started):








SetKeyDelay, -1




Send, ^c

Sleep 50


