Voicethread: Collaborative Multimedia Platform

Do you spend too much of your classtime discussing? But you don’t want to give up the discussions because they’re valuable pedagogically? You may want to consider “outsourcing” some of the class discussions to an asynchronous platform: Voicethread. Go to: www.voicethread.com

A voicethread is a collaborative, multimedia (audio and video) slide show and allows people to leave comments in five ways: using voice (with a mike or phone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). You can share a voicethread with students, teachers, friends, colleagues, and family.

Let’s say you have a presentation in class and you would like all your students or peers to comment but there’s not enough classtime left. So you open a voicethread, send everyone an invitation so that they can leave their audio-/video comment. Each participant will see all comments. All they have to do is create a password, upload a picture and record themselves (so they need a mike).

Here’s another example of my current class: We used to spend a lot of time presenting in class. Instead, each student now records his or her presentation on Voicethread, and all students watch and comment on each other’s presentation. So we “outsourced” the entire activity without losing interaction.

Camstudio: Record your screen activity (screen capture)

Camstudio is freeware that records all screen activity from your desktop into AVI or Flash movie files. It’s particularly useful for software demonstrations. It not only captures your screen activity but also your audio narration. It’s downloadable at www.camstudio.com.

I just created a tutorial for the use of Audacity because I don’t want to use classtime for technology demonstrations. What strikes me as very important is the use of the shortcut keys: F8 to start recording and F9 to stop recording. In my first test run, I just clicked on the record button but then couldn’t stop the recording. I had to shut down my computer to exit the program. So in my second test run, I just used the shortcut keys and it worked out very smoothly.

So why should you want to use Camstudio: It’s timesaving to produce a video on frequently asked questions in relation to software use in the classroom or any other subject matter.

You don’t have to repeat the same demonstration or information in class again and again. Instead, upload your screencast to your Moodle.


    Quia is an online tool for creating quizzes and activities housed on the web. Students can access them at any time; scores are stored for easy review by teachers. Here is the list of things you can do with Quia (from their quick tutorial):


  • Templates for creating 16 types of online activities, including flash cards, word search, battleship, challenge board, and cloze exercises. Quia activities are designed with different learning styles in mind to suit the needs of all your students.
  • Complete online testing tools that allow you to create quizzes, grade them with computer assistance, and receive detailed reports on student performance.
  • Access to over 3 million online activities and quizzes in 300 categories. All of the shared activities have been created by teachers from around the world.
  • A schoolwide network that allows effortless collaboration with your fellow teachers.
  • An easy, centralized classroom management system including a master student list, archive of student results, and the tools to conduct schoolwide proficiency testing.
  • A class Web page creator that includes a course calendar and an easy way to post your Quia activities for students and parents.
  • Online surveys for gathering student and teacher feedback.

I signed up for a 30-day free account; a subscription costs $49/yr. (there are also discounted packages for groups). While actually inputting the material for the activities can be a bit time-consuming, it’s worth it because you only have to do it once. There are a lot of really fun activities – battleship with quiz questions, Who Wants to be a Millionaire-style game, concentration (the memory game) – as well as more traditional cloze and flashcard activities. Another feature which is great for me is the compatibility with Russian script. The only activity that doesn’t work so well with Russian is hangman, because there isn’t a Russian keyboard that can be placed under the hangman (odd, since there are keyboards for dozens of other languages, including Esperanto!?!). One other nice feature – you can add images and audio files to make quizzes and activities more interactive.

As far as quiz programs go, Quia, from what I’ve heard, is the most popular. It’s easier to use, more attractive, and more versatile than Hot Potatoes, for example. The main downside is that it isn’t free!

Fun With AutoHotKey

Are you defessus of selecting text and copying the text and opening your browser and clicking onto the Google search window and pasting what you copyed into it and hitting the enter key in order to find out what a word or concept is? I bet right now you are doing that with the word defessus…if not maybe you should (maybe you already know what it means idk). Lucky for us AutoHotKey can help automatize this process. Only drawback is that this program is PC only…sory Mac 🙁 

First I downloaded AutoHotkey here by clicking on Autohotkey Installer. After the insatall was complete I set up a folder/file on my computer where I could save the hotkeys that I created or use. After that I went here to find out how to make an AutoHotKey script and use them. This should get you started, happy hotkeying 🙂

Note: In the Creating a Script section the first instruction says “1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to a folder of your choice.” what this means is: Open the folder/file that you set up where you want to save your Autohotkeys.

This is the Script I used to make a Hot key for finding English word definitions (you can just copy and past it into the new AutoHotKey you started):








SetKeyDelay, -1




Send, ^c

Sleep 50

Run, http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=%clipboard%








Dimdim and Skype

Dimdim is a free online web-conferencing tool that allows you to host or attend meetings of up to 20 people from any location in the world.  Once you sign up for an account and set up a meeting room Dimdim allows you to share your desktop, show slides, collaborate, chat, talk and broadcast via webcam with absolutely no download required to host or attend meetings. As long as anyone has internet access all they need is to know what the name of the meeting is. From the dimdim website they just click join meeting, type in the meeting name and then voila they’re in your meeting! It’s very easy.

Dimdim is similar to the Elluminate course management platform but it is free so it is more widely accessible. Meeting hosts can share documents that they have open on their computer via “share desktop”, they can take everyone to a website and scroll through it together, or they can use the “white board” to have people edit a document together or do an activity jointly. So it could be great to use in a distance classroom or group project setting.

Skype is another synchronous interaction tool that allows people to call, text chat or video call anyone in the world for free as long as both people have internet access and the Skype software downloaded on their computer. Skype is also starting to add features such as mobile skype which allows people to use their cell phone to call either another Skype user, a landline or a mobile phone number.

How could Skype be used?
A guest speaker could “Skype” into a classroom to deliver a lecture and students would be able to ask questions for them to answer.
A language learner could have a “Skype-pal” to practice talking to from the country that speaks the language they are studying. The video function would enable them to communicate even more effectively and share aspects of their life.


I helped a professor set up a wiki the other day using PBwiki. PBwiki is easy to use and offers business, academic, and personal wiki platforms. Starting a wiki is free and quick (under 90 seconds, the website claims, which is about right).

One great resource on the PBwiki is this directory of example wikis that people have created, including education-related wikis. You can access those links here. This is an excellent place to get some ideas about how to structure your own wiki.

Free Online Academic Vocabulary Trainer

This vocabulary trainer will be especially interesting for you if:

  • you’re teaching an EAPP class or
  • if you’re a MIIS student and are trying to build up your academic lexicon.

My students have tried out three different online vocab trainers, and this vocabulary trainer has emerged as the winner in terms of usefulness and user-friendliness. The Academic Word List (AWL) is a list of words that appear with high frequency in academic texts. The website contains 150 interactive gap-fill exercises to review and recycle the general word families contained in the AWL.

PDF-to-WORD converter

PDF-to-WORD is a free converter that lets you create editable DOC and RTF files. If you have PDF content that you’d like to use in WORD, EXCEL or in a POWERPOINT, you can upload the PDF file at www.pdftoword.com, and the converted WORD/RTF file will be sent to your email address (if it’s not in your inbox, check your spam filter).

So, let’s say you find an interesting journal article that’s only available as a PDF. You want to use it in class, but the font size is way too small, it’s single-spaced, and you only need part of the article. Upload the PDF to the PDF-to-WORD converter. Download the converted WORD file from your email, enlarge the font size, double-space the text and delete the passages you don’t want – your students will be grateful (and their eyesight too).

Google Apps

Google Apps can provide you with many options on making your life more efficient and fun. Google apps can help you collaborate, organize, and get and use information. One of the major collaboration tools Google offers is Google docs. Google docs allows you to work with others on ONE document, presentation, or spreadsheets. Having One document that many people are working on is an important component of Google docs this is concept is explained magnificently in this ==> video. Check out more awesome Google Apps here ==> Apps


  1. Are you tired of reading hundreds of pages and chapters in your program?
  2. Or you simply can’t manage all the readings that your professor has assigned for today?
  3. Are you afraid of straining your eyesight a tad too much?

Upload your WORD or PDF files to http://readthewords.com, just relax, and have it read by an avatar. Or download the reading to your ipod and go for a walk or swim. The quality is almost human-like, and the maximum upload size is huge: 80’000 words! I just uploaded a chapter with 43 pages and am now listening to one of the male avatar’s reading. It’s amazing.