Monthly Archives: December 2012

Sometimes I just fall in love with a class

It happened again this semester.  It’s not just that they were good students and good people, which they were. It’s not just that they were diverse and charming, and often funny, which they were. I fell in love most with their openness, their enthusiasm, their willingness to engage, to learn.

Here is what they answered when I asked the question:     What did you learn this semester? 

Two years ago, a similar class answered the same question this way.

  • Keep readers in mind.
  • Use the thesis statement as a road map for readers.
  • Learn American-style writing.
  • Learn to be a responsible college writer who can deliver a competent college essay.
  • i-Movie is not hard, but fun.
  • Ideas cannot stand without good evidence.
  • The difference between revising, editing, and proofreading is huge. Don’t forget it.
  • Don’t rant in your formal essays. You can do that just for yourself.
  • Make sure topic sentences lay out what your paragraph is about–a mini road map.
  • Use active voice. Eliminate “to be” verbs as much as possible.
  • Write a strong first draft.
  • Structure a good thesis to give a good direction to the paper
  • Give a different style to your paper depending on your reader.
  • Proofread.
  • Have a good thesis before you start writing.
  • Use the quotation sandwich.
  • Topic sentences need to flow.
  • Be an active and helpful team member.
  • Getting feedback from your professor and your peers is effective.
  • Ask “So what?” and “Who cares?” for better analysis of papers.
  • Make eye contact during oral presentations.
  • Be disciplined in your work.
  • Tie up thoughts in the conclusion, and add something more.
  • First impressions do not count (We read Pride and Prejudice!).
  • Americans own things and ideas.
  • In a sentence, paragraph, or paper, the most important thing comes last.