Project I. Synthesizing Research on Critical Language Awareness Pedagogy
in Writing/Literacy/Language Classrooms
- Forthcoming book: Cultivating Critical Language Awareness in the Writing Classroom (Routledge, out in February 2022).
- *New* teacher/researcher resource hub:
- Presentations on CLA pedagogy for NNETESOL (Nov 2021), New England CCCC (July 2021), and Middlebury’s Fall Faculty Forum. targeted toward undergraduate students.
Project II. Understanding Middlebury students’
engagement across difference and conceptions of inclusivity
- Open access article on the relevance of this research to the writing classroom.
- Article from Middlebury Campus newspaper (co-authored with Michael Sheridan)
- Article #1 from Inside Higher Ed (focus on engaging across difference- June 2018)
- Article #2 from Inside Higher Ed (focus on conceptions of inclusivity- May 2019)
- Presentations:
EATAW 2019 (connections to academic writing instruction)
Middlebury Fall Faculty Forum 2018 (for general audience)
Research materials:
Part 1 – Engaging Across Difference: Survey questions Interview Protocol
Part 2- Conceptions of Inclusivity: Interview Protocol
Project III. Educating Refugee-background Students:
Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts (2018 co-edited collection)
**Available via Multilingual Matters (and other booksellers)!
This book was a finalist for the AAAL Book Award in 2020.
- Introduction (pdf)
- Article in “The Conversation” (June 2018)
- Blog post for Multilingual Matters (June 2018)
- Presentation: “New Directions for Literacy Education in Refugee Resettlement Communities (10/5/16)
IV. College Preparation, Access, and Attainment
for English Language Learners
Selected Publications
- Shapiro, S. (2019). Familial Capital, Narratives of Agency, and the College Transition Process for Refugee-Background Youth. Equity & Excellence in Education, 51(3-4), 332-346. (Abstract)
- Shapiro, S. and MacDonald, M. (2017). From deficit to asset: Locating discursive resistance in a refugee-background student’s written and oral narrative. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. (Abstract)
- Shapiro, S. (2014). “Words that you said got bigger”: English Language Learners’ lived experiences of deficit discourse. Research in the Teaching of English. 48(4), 386-406.
- Shapiro, S. (2011). Stuck in the remedial rut: Confronting resistance to ESL curriculum reform. Journal of Basic Writing, 30(2), 24-52.
- Interim Report for community stakeholders– (January 2013)