About Shawna Shapiro

I am a Full Professor at Middlebury College, where I teach courses in writing, linguistics, and education. I have also directed the Writing & Rhetoric Program in recent years.

My most recent research focuses on curricular innovation in courses that include multilingual/L2 writers, most recently through pedagogies centered around Critical Language Awareness. (For more information and resources, visit the CLA Collective).

I have also investigated college transitions for immigrant and refugee-background students and undergraduates’ understandings of  inclusivity.

Curriculum Vitae (updated June 2024)

2022-2024: I’ve continued to give talks and host “Salon” conversations about Critical Language Awareness. I’ve been adding recordings and other resources to the CLA Collective site.

February 2022- My new book, Cultivating Critical Language Awareness in the Writing Classroom is out with Routledge!

January 2022-I’ve created an online hub with information, resources and materials, related to Critical Language Awareness (CLA) Pedagogy.  It’s called the “CLA Collective”.

November 2021- I will be co-editing a special issue of the Journal of Second Language Writing with Rebecca Lorimer Leonard! Here is the CFP. Also, here are slides from my presentation with Northern New England TESOL.

October 2021- The Cultivating CLA book is now available for pre-order with Routledge. Also, the companion website, “CLA Collective,” is now in beta version. 

September 2021- I have a new book under contract with Routledge, entitled Cultivating Critical Language Awareness in the Writing Classroom, forthcoming in February 2022. To learn more, check out my presentations from the (virtual) NCTE 2020 conference and from Northeast CCCC and the BreadLoaf Teachers’ Network.

December 2020- I published an article with the Journal of Academic Writing entitled “Inclusive Pedagogy in the Academic Writing Classroom: Cultivating Communities of Belonging.”

August 2019– published a piece with The Conversation about links between discomfort and sense of belonging.

June 2019– I presented at the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing in Sweden.

May 2019– I published a second piece with Inside Higher Ed on student conceptions of inclusivity.

October 2018: I presented from my research on student conceptions of inclusivity at the Fall Faculty Forum.

June 2018: Published an article at The Conversation on how refugee students strengthen US schools. I also wrote a piece for Inside Higher Ed reporting on my research into students’ experiences engaging across difference.

May 2018: Our co-edited collection is now in print! Orders and review copies available here!  Here’s a link to the introductory chapter, for more info.

March 2018: The reprint of our 2014 volume Fostering International Student Success in Higher Education (NAFSA/TESOL) is now available. (See here for TOC, sample chapter, and reviews)

January 2017: I am now an Associate Professor (i.e.,  tenured!).

October 2016: I gave a talk as part of Middlebury’s faculty lecture series, entitled “From Trauma to Resilience: New Directions in Literacy Education Research in Refugee Resettlement Communities.”

Summer 2016: I started working as a consultant with Burlington School District, helping to design and facilitate a review of the English Language Learner Program.