VT EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Internship Applications Due January 31, 2024

ANNOUNCING: VT EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Internship Positions available Summer 2024 (the Science of Stories)

Vermont EPSCoR’s Science of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Stories (SOCKS) research team is currently recruiting 12 undergraduate students for an exciting ten-week, paid internship opportunity based at the University of Vermont (UVM) beginning June 10, 2024.

SOCKS is a large, multi-disciplinary effort funded by the National Science Foundation, that revolves around stories as an essential part of how people comprehend, explain, predict, and seek to navigate the world. SOCKS supports the Digital Humanities by developing a powerful approach to quantifying both individual stories and ecologies of stories through massive data collection, natural language processing, and large language models—computer-based encodings of the meaningful connections between words and phrases.

The following research areas are available:

  • Indigenous voices in global environmental governance
  • Data ethics, privacy, and narrative bias 
  • Social and health narratives
  • Analysis of local news stories and programs

Primary Faculty Mentors: 
Richard Watts, Director of the Center for Research on Vermont 
Kemi Fuentes-George, Associate Professor of Political Science, Middlebury College 
Juniper Lovato, Research Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Vermont [website]

Randall Harp, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Vermont [website]

Other faculty mentors may be available from the SOCKS faculty on the social and health teams. If you are interested in working with anyone in particular, be sure to list that in your statement of research interest. The range of research areas in which students may participate is quite extensive. SOCKS interns delve into research projects— an opportunity not often available during the academic year. Projects are markedly different from most course-based work in that they are open-ended and part of a much larger research program.

Please see the links below for more information and to apply to the Undergraduate Internship:


Application Deadline: January 31, 2024, at 5 pm EST.

Summer Research at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Applications are open for a 10-week research experience that will allow undergraduates the chance to work alongside experienced faculty mentors and explore pressing aerospace problems at Embry-Riddle.

The Interdisciplinary Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program provides total immersion into all aspects of laboratory work along with other enrichment activities. Students receive a $5,000 stipend, with their housing and meals covered.

During the REU program, students will use our leading-edge laboratories to conduct multidisciplinary research in aerospace engineering, chemistry and applied space biology with a goal of improving future space materials science and human diagnostic technology.

The research will be housed in Embry-Riddle’s College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering, with most of the College of Engineering research done in labs at the MicaPlex, an incubator for innovative new companies and the cornerstone building of the university’s renowned Research Park.

If want to do hands-on research with the potential to shape your future while making a real difference in the aerospace industry, apply today!

Summer Research Opportunities at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Labs–Upcoming Webinars and Application Info

Students interested in the NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) in Gaithersburg, MD and Denver, CO Labs should sign up for one of these webinars:

December 19, 2018 at 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (ET)

January 10, 2019 at 12:00 PM-1:00 PM (ET)

Program description: Over the course of 11 weeks, SURF students contribute to the ongoing research of one of the six NIST facilities which are the Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL), Engineering Laboratory (EL), Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), Material Measurement Laboratory (MML), NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), and Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) (which now includes project in the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology). The SURF Program is administered at the Boulder, CO and Gaithersburg, MD locations. SURF students receive stipend, and housing and travel allotments (as needed). The NIST (SURF) program is for students majoring in science, mathematics and engineering.

Eligibility: The program is open to United States citizens or permanent residents. Students must be undergraduates at a U.S. university or college with a scientific major, have a G.P.A. of 3.0/4.0, and are considering pursuing a graduate degree (M.S. or Ph.D.). Students with physics, material science, chemistry, applied mathematics, computer science, or engineering majors are always encouraged to apply. There may be research opportunities for students with other majors.

2019 Application Process–NEW: The application process has changed for summer 2019. Students can now apply to the 2019 program  without the assistance of their universities. Check back later for the link to  the posting on USAJOBS (tentatively scheduled to open on December 15, 2018 ).

Questions? Contact Dean Lisa Gates at uro@middlebury.edu .