Tag Archives: Kya Adetoro

From Gotham to ChiTown: Part 8

As compiled by Barbara Ofosu-Somuah (NYMP11)

The experience of being a Posse scholar is somewhat hard to comprehend if you’re not a part of Posse. Sure, we can explain the process but unless you have actually gone through it, it is really just like a story on a page (a detached understanding). The beauty of the Posse family on campus is that there are people, older and younger, who knows exactly what you are going through. There is an unspoken connection that Posse scholars have, regardless of how frequently they might interact. Being a Posse scholar is a connection to a family. Every April, when the pre-collegiate Posse comes to Middlebury’s campus for the fist time [on accepted students’ weekend], there is an excited stir in the Posse family. Being a Posse scholar on campus is like being an older sibling; we are both eager and curious to meet the new additions to our family. Come April of 2012, we will get to anticipate not only one but TWO Posses visiting on campus. Our family is growing, and not only in size but in connections and support. It has been an amazing experience being able to see Posse scholars from New York City who have lived the same experience as you have and now I can go to Chicago and have the same feeling of familiarity. I know that this change has brought a lot of mixed feelings both within and outside of the Middlebury Posse community because there is apprehension about what having double the amount of Posse scholars on campus will look like but to me, it looks like double the Posse Love.
Kya Adetoro (NYMP11)

MP11 is going global!

From Kya,

“Here’s our study abroad schedule thus far. Only a few of the gang are actually going abroad, but we’re pretty happy to have each other for the year! :)

Aya-Brazil (already there), Fall
Sye-Jordan, Spring
Ashley-France, Fall
Dennis-Spain, Spring
Barbara-Italy, Summer and possibly  Spring
Ryan-France, Spring
Kyle, Kya, Kiya, Evio, Jun & (Rog) – Midd, all year round – just loving each other <3


Whether you are staying or going, we wish you all nothing but the best and lots of warm fuzzies! Don’t forget about us and keep us updated on your adventures!

OneMic!: Pre-Middlebury Advice Part 1

Welcome to this month’s “OneMic!” special! On top of being leaders in their respective fields, Posse scholars are all socially conscious and responsible citizens of their communities. Whether it’s about the current economic crisis (still) or the Asian carp situation in Proctor, they’ve got something to say about it. OneMic! is a monthly, month long feature/discussion around a pre-selected theme which we’ve asked the scholars to comment on.

As any scholar can attest, the best part about being Posse, aside from the warm fuzzies and weekly/bi-weekly/BIG meetings with each other and the mentors, is having someone to go for advice. So for the month of August, 2011 we asked the scholars, “I wish I had known or someone had told me… (about Middlebury)” and this is what they had to say.

“I wish someone had told me that you don’t NEED to stress out just to do well. Not every big assignment should feel like the end of the world–there’s a way around everything.”
Christine (MP10)

“Meet the staff, they are awesome!”
Jon (MP12)

“I wish I had known that there is no one organic type of the posse, each posse is different.
I wish I had known that between 4 and 6 the fitness center will be pretty crowded and funky.
I wish someone had told me to see my professors EARLY’; even if I don’t have a problem in the class, talking to/getting to know them is helpful in the learning process.
I wish I had known that the library during finals week is the most STRESSFUL place to be on campus.
I wish I had known about the really cheap bike sale that happens every year! Bikes for like 20 bucks!
I wish I had known about the dollar store/TX MAXX/RITE AID in town, it’s a slight distance, but they have those little things we need for great prices!”
Kya (MP11)

“SLEEP!! While it may seem cool to boast about the 3/4 am bed times and getting only 3 hours of sleep a night with countless naps throughout the day, you are only doing yourself harm. The people that are really getting those grades/excelling in school are getting up early (8/9) and going to bed around midnight/1.
Structure yourself, it will only HELP you in the long run. I definitely wish this had dawned on me so much earlier so I didn’t walk around like a zombie half of my college career :)”
Besiana (MP8)

Come back every Thursday during the month of August for the rest of the advice. And if you would still like to contribute, click here.