Tag Archives: Karen Liu

When China Met Russia

As told by Karen Liu (NYMP13)

Ni hao ma? [How are you?]” my Posse older sibling greets me in Mandarin Chinese.

Norminah! [Alright!]” I would respond in Russian. “Kak dela? [How are you?]

Wo hen hao. [I’m well],” replies Luis, a fourth-year Posse scholar, in Chinese again.

The conversation would then follow with Luis asking a clarifying question about Chinese grammar while I ask him how to translate a phrase from English to Russian. Once we have exchanged our mini-language lessons, we would hug, say goodbye in Russian/Chinese and then depart for our respective classes. [While these encounters were frequent,] Our language exchanges also often extend beyond the minute-long mini-lessons.

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Social Media Updates on Sept. 11th 2011

On Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 there were more people that had “heard” about the earthquake on Twitter before the aftershock had even reached them. In the 10 years since Sept. 11th 2001, the world of social media has grown exponentially alongside the generation that experienced the said catastrophe first hand. Today I want to share with you some of the thoughts that other scholars have expressed back on the anniversary day.


Karen: 9/11 and Convocation. ‘Tis bittersweet.

Aya: today idk how i feel…but i’m proud to be a new yorker.

Yashika: This commercial with the little kids singing to the firefighters just gave me chills

Kelly: 10 years ago today… heard my media teacher say to our class, “This might be the most important day of your lives.”

Becca: Remembering 9/11 ten years later

Andrew: RIP to the victims, and live in peace to all the survivors.

Carlos: Can’t believe it has been 10 years….To think I was in my 11th grade AP US History class watching out the window as it happened.

Diane: Uncle Joe, ladder company 101, a hero and a loving father. We miss you and we love you. Gone but never forgotten.

Rana: My prayers go out to the heroes who lost their lives because of what happened ten years ago.

Naya: 9/11 ninth gr. Living environment class mom called me to the office-its world war 3 let’s go home!-mad scared :(