Mentor’s Perspective: Hector Vila on Troy Davis and How We Got Here.

Very often, I am reminded of how much I appreciate my Middlebury community and the people around me who are aware, conscious, and active thinkers/critics/participants in our world. I’m especially appreciative when I receive an All Posse email that shares an event, an accomplishment, a book, with our community.

The below was shared this week by Hector Vila, mentor for Middlebury Posse 12, regarding the disturbing outcome of the Troy Davis case.

Yesterday during the Troy Davis vigil, the relationship between economics, Jim Crow and the United States prison system came about…

Alex and Izzy (MP12), this past summer, turned me onto a very important book by Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow.  If you’re interested in this subject, this is a book that has to be read.

Alex and Izzy tried to get Ms. Alexander to campus, but she’s not doing any speaking gigs this year but you can watch her talk about this issue here with Bryan Stevenson on Bill Moyers, PBS. [Perhaps this is something to organize for next year?]

Paul Krugman in the New York Times writing about the social contract.

And this is me writing about how we got to this point, as this point has been programmed, indeed, and it’s been in the making for about 30 years: (this article has been picked up by several online services and is making its way [slowly] around; nevertheless, how we came to be).

Snapshot of 9/11/2001: Angelika Ferguson

“Can you still recall the moment when you first found out what had happened? Where were you? Who were you with? What did you think?”

“On 9/11, I was a freshman in high school in the Chelsea section of Manhattan. I was in my advisory (homeroom) and we were discussing a Core Value that someone had picked at random. It was Peace. As we were starting to discuss this value, someone from my advisory came in and said that he heard on the office radio that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. I recall that I laughed a bit because I couldn’t believe that plane would hit the tower while at the same time nervous. I didn’t see how severe the damage was until I saw a television showing it in my school’s lounge.”
Angelika (MP7)

A Superhero Grows In [the] Bronx

“I work at the Bronx Defenders. The Bronx Defenders is a legal non-profit public defense office. We represent our clients for criminal and family defense and some civil matters. My position is Parent Advocate and I work closely with Family Defense attorneys. I help parents accused of abuse and neglect charges involved in ACS (Administration for Children Services) proceedings and assist them with the services they need to help them reunite with their family.

Working at the Bronx Defenders is a great job. Life as a Parent Advocate can be emotionally challenging but I enjoy being an advocate for people in New York City. I’m a member of an organization that tries its best to counter the affects of the racially charged systems that have historically targeted people of color in the Bronx.

A simple arrest in New York City can lead to the removal of one’s children, eviction, unemployment loss of public assistance and many other collateral consequences that many people in the Bronx go through. Through a holistic model at the Bronx Defenders we have criminal attorneys, family attorneys, immigration attorneys, civil attorneys, social workers, parent advocates, investigators and community development coordinators who work together to fully represent our clients.

[It’s cool to be an adult in the working world but I really miss Middlebury. I hope everyone enjoys their time there!]

Meli (MP9)”

For more information regarding the Bronx Defenders and the work that Melida is doing, you can click on the logo on the right. 

Social Media Updates on Sept. 11th 2011

On Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 there were more people that had “heard” about the earthquake on Twitter before the aftershock had even reached them. In the 10 years since Sept. 11th 2001, the world of social media has grown exponentially alongside the generation that experienced the said catastrophe first hand. Today I want to share with you some of the thoughts that other scholars have expressed back on the anniversary day.


Karen: 9/11 and Convocation. ‘Tis bittersweet.

Aya: today idk how i feel…but i’m proud to be a new yorker.

Yashika: This commercial with the little kids singing to the firefighters just gave me chills

Kelly: 10 years ago today… heard my media teacher say to our class, “This might be the most important day of your lives.”

Becca: Remembering 9/11 ten years later

Andrew: RIP to the victims, and live in peace to all the survivors.

Carlos: Can’t believe it has been 10 years….To think I was in my 11th grade AP US History class watching out the window as it happened.

Diane: Uncle Joe, ladder company 101, a hero and a loving father. We miss you and we love you. Gone but never forgotten.

Rana: My prayers go out to the heroes who lost their lives because of what happened ten years ago.

Naya: 9/11 ninth gr. Living environment class mom called me to the office-its world war 3 let’s go home!-mad scared :(

And in that way we have triumphed since.

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Today, we have an extra special treat for you all.  As a Posse Scholar, we are blessed to be a part of a community of leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and other great movers and shakers that make up the Posse (alumni) network.  However, all over the country and wherever there are Posse scholars to be found, there is also a group of unsung helpers (or tree-house night elves if so you please) that keep us scholars sane during our four years on campus; I’m talking about our Posse Plussers.

Today we are fortunate enough to have one of our Middlebury Plusser share her 9/11 story with us.  We hope that her courageous story will resonate with you as it had with us.

Stay safe, stay strong,
From all of us over at the Posse at Middlebury Blog

From Melissa Hirsch (Class of 2011)

“I live in New York State, a one-hour drive from La Guardia and JFK airports. My grandparents had been staying with us for about a week, and were supposed to fly home sometime in the late morning on September 11, 2001. My dad was reading the newspaper on the porch when I walked in from the bus stop that afternoon. My mom sat next to him. My dad folded the newspaper into his lap and asked me if I knew what had happened. I said not really. I said I’d heard that there was a fire in New York City, that some other students had heard about an accident, and that one of my friends said she’d heard about an accident, too, but that it didn’t sound like an “accident” to her. When my dad explained to me that the twin towers were gone, I nodded as if I understood, and walked inside. I turned on the tv. The news was on every channel. They were interviewing New Yorkers on every channel. They flashed pictures of flames and smoke clouds, they read the names of every person who died on the planes, they asked onlookers to tell what they saw and, through tears, one man tried. He looked at the sky. “The building came down.” The words caught in his throat. “They jumped from the windows.” I turned off the tv and went back outside and asked where my grandparents were. I was told that they were inside, that their flight had been canceled, and that they would fly home tomorrow.

That night I went into their room in tears, and I cried and I begged them not to fly tomorrow. I wanted them to stay with me and to be safe and they could not fly the next day because it was not safe and because I was scared that something would happen and make everything even worse. My grandpa said nothing and did not look at me. My grandma looked directly at my eyes. She said, “If I can fly tomorrow, I will fly tomorrow. We do not live our lives in fear of what might happen. Not if we truly want to live.”

I did not stop crying, and I still did not want them to leave.

They didn’t fly the next day- the airports shut down for about a week after the attacks, the way I remember it- but my grandmother would have, and that is the point. I found out a few years later that she had once disobeyed a man who threatened her with a loaded machine gun. She and my grandfather were having dinner with my cousins when three men with guns broke into the house. My grandpa started shaking, and she moved to tend to him as one of the robbers grasped his gun and demanded that she stay where she was. She didn’t even glance at the man who bullied her, all she said was, “My husband needs me,” and marched right through the room to protect the one she loved.

I can hear her thoughts in that moment. What does my life matter if I have protected the one I love? The men with the guns did not take her down. And if she would not let them, she sure as hell wasn’t going to let some fearful terrorists stop her- or her family, or her country- from living.

My grandmother told me that fear was at the root of the attacks, that it fueled the planes more than gasoline, that once you stripped away the burning buildings, the rubble, the plastic knives that scratched the pilots’ throats, and the word “terrorist,” you were left with fearful people who wanted someone else to own that fear, that “terror,” instead. But if we could carry on, they could not take us down. For that reason, my grandmother would have flown on September 12th. And in that way we have triumphed since.”