Category Archives: News

For any updates pertaining to individual scholars.

BannerWeb Survival Guide

There are a lot of information in this post so please bear with us. We even recommend bookmarking this page for reference.


A FAQ on BannerWeb Registration

Complete listings of Spring 2012 Courses

Spring 2010 Starting and Ending Dates*

*Fall and Spring semester registrations are by seniority so the more credits you have completed/are in the process of completing, the sooner you register and the greater chance you have of enrolling in the courses that you want.

Use the Schedule Planner tool!

This will save you so much time when you are trying to plan your entire semester’s schedule and very few students know about it.

Registration Week/Morning/Night Before

  • Get to bed at a decent hour. There is nothing worse than oversleeping and missing the start of the 7AM sprint.

Courses We Recommend

Here are some courses offered in Spring 2012 that the staffs at the Posse at Middlebury Blog have personally selected.


  1. PSYC 0224 – Psychological Disorders with Shirley Collado
    For anyone who visits the Posse at Middlebury Blog, Shirley Collado needs no introductions. As a non-academic faculty, it is a rare and very special occasion whenever Dean (or Professor) Collado gets to teach a course in the psychology department. While I have never taken a course with Dean Collado personally, I have taken the same exact course with the [prior] Dean of the College, Augustus Jordan and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Unless you’re at junior or senior standing though, it may be a stretch getting into the course (although I wouldn’t rule it out completely).
  2. CHNS 0270 – Chinese Sociolinguistics with Han Du
    I took this course my last semester of senior year and while it was probably one of the toughest course I have ever taken (as any course with the Chinese department tends to be), it was also one of the most rewarding. The more prior knowledge about the Chinese language and/or history you bring you, the more you will get out of the course. Professor Du, or more accurately Du Laoshi, was also granted tenure in Spring of 2011 so you can just imagine how awesome she must be.
  3. ENAM 0211 – Global Literature for Youth with Claudia Cooper
    I am ashamed to say that I was actually enrolled in this course and had to drop out of it but not because it wasn’t worthwhile but because I had to fulfill my major requirements before studying abroad. Subsequently when I returned from abroad I was never able to get into this course again. I did manage to take another course with Claudia Cooper (ENAM 0185 – Writing for Children) and it was definitely one of my favorite course at Middlebury. Professor Cooper is not only knowledgeable about children’s literature but a fantastic writing coach as well. Just be forewarned, they are both extremely intensive (but creative) writing courses.
  4. JAPN 0217 – Haruki Murakami and His Generation with Stephen Snyder

Are there any courses that you would recommend? Professors that you have questions about? Just leave a comment in this post and someone’s bound to have something to say about it.

Don’t Forget; BannerWeb Loves You

For those of us who have been a student at Middlebury long enough, we all know what a delight registering for courses on the college’s server, BannerWeb can be.

Here is how my registration morning game plan used to look like.

6:55AM – Alarm rings. Turn on my computer.
6:56AM – Frantic dash to the bathroom.
6:57AM – Sign on to Bannerweb with the handy sheet of paper that contains the CRNs by my side.
6:58AM – Complain with the roommate/hallmate/that-cute-so-and-so-from-last-night-in-your-bed about how early it is.
6:59AM – Check Facebook one last time.
6:59:59AM – Refresh BannerWeb frantically in the hopes that I will actually get through and see the magical screen with the six boxes at the bottom.

At this point a number of things could happen.

  • A) Your submission goes through and you get into all/some of your classes.
  • B) BannerWeb stalls until you get in only some or none of your classes while you scramble to register your back-up choices or add yourself to the wait list.
  • C) BannerWeb implodes and you and your friends share in the misery of not-taking that introductory class that you needed for your major until senior year with the other first-years who got to register with priority in person.

So in order to facilitate your registration process, The Posse at Middlebury Blog have come up with a guide based on the wisdom of those who have come before us.

So come back this Thursday to check out our “BannerWeb Survival Guide” and “Things to Consider When Choosing Your Courses.”

And in that way we have triumphed since.

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Today, we have an extra special treat for you all.  As a Posse Scholar, we are blessed to be a part of a community of leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and other great movers and shakers that make up the Posse (alumni) network.  However, all over the country and wherever there are Posse scholars to be found, there is also a group of unsung helpers (or tree-house night elves if so you please) that keep us scholars sane during our four years on campus; I’m talking about our Posse Plussers.

Today we are fortunate enough to have one of our Middlebury Plusser share her 9/11 story with us.  We hope that her courageous story will resonate with you as it had with us.

Stay safe, stay strong,
From all of us over at the Posse at Middlebury Blog

From Melissa Hirsch (Class of 2011)

“I live in New York State, a one-hour drive from La Guardia and JFK airports. My grandparents had been staying with us for about a week, and were supposed to fly home sometime in the late morning on September 11, 2001. My dad was reading the newspaper on the porch when I walked in from the bus stop that afternoon. My mom sat next to him. My dad folded the newspaper into his lap and asked me if I knew what had happened. I said not really. I said I’d heard that there was a fire in New York City, that some other students had heard about an accident, and that one of my friends said she’d heard about an accident, too, but that it didn’t sound like an “accident” to her. When my dad explained to me that the twin towers were gone, I nodded as if I understood, and walked inside. I turned on the tv. The news was on every channel. They were interviewing New Yorkers on every channel. They flashed pictures of flames and smoke clouds, they read the names of every person who died on the planes, they asked onlookers to tell what they saw and, through tears, one man tried. He looked at the sky. “The building came down.” The words caught in his throat. “They jumped from the windows.” I turned off the tv and went back outside and asked where my grandparents were. I was told that they were inside, that their flight had been canceled, and that they would fly home tomorrow.

That night I went into their room in tears, and I cried and I begged them not to fly tomorrow. I wanted them to stay with me and to be safe and they could not fly the next day because it was not safe and because I was scared that something would happen and make everything even worse. My grandpa said nothing and did not look at me. My grandma looked directly at my eyes. She said, “If I can fly tomorrow, I will fly tomorrow. We do not live our lives in fear of what might happen. Not if we truly want to live.”

I did not stop crying, and I still did not want them to leave.

They didn’t fly the next day- the airports shut down for about a week after the attacks, the way I remember it- but my grandmother would have, and that is the point. I found out a few years later that she had once disobeyed a man who threatened her with a loaded machine gun. She and my grandfather were having dinner with my cousins when three men with guns broke into the house. My grandpa started shaking, and she moved to tend to him as one of the robbers grasped his gun and demanded that she stay where she was. She didn’t even glance at the man who bullied her, all she said was, “My husband needs me,” and marched right through the room to protect the one she loved.

I can hear her thoughts in that moment. What does my life matter if I have protected the one I love? The men with the guns did not take her down. And if she would not let them, she sure as hell wasn’t going to let some fearful terrorists stop her- or her family, or her country- from living.

My grandmother told me that fear was at the root of the attacks, that it fueled the planes more than gasoline, that once you stripped away the burning buildings, the rubble, the plastic knives that scratched the pilots’ throats, and the word “terrorist,” you were left with fearful people who wanted someone else to own that fear, that “terror,” instead. But if we could carry on, they could not take us down. For that reason, my grandmother would have flown on September 12th. And in that way we have triumphed since.”

MP11 is going global!

From Kya,

“Here’s our study abroad schedule thus far. Only a few of the gang are actually going abroad, but we’re pretty happy to have each other for the year! :)

Aya-Brazil (already there), Fall
Sye-Jordan, Spring
Ashley-France, Fall
Dennis-Spain, Spring
Barbara-Italy, Summer and possibly  Spring
Ryan-France, Spring
Kyle, Kya, Kiya, Evio, Jun & (Rog) – Midd, all year round – just loving each other <3


Whether you are staying or going, we wish you all nothing but the best and lots of warm fuzzies! Don’t forget about us and keep us updated on your adventures!

VOTE: Janet for SCOCC

Hello Posse, Posse Plus, Posse everything Community!

My name is Janet Rodrigues and I am running for Student Co-Chair of Community. I have been a voting member of Community Council for the past two years and a member of the Institutional Diversity Committee for the past three years. I have done a lot of work around issues of race relations, socio-economic difference and dish loss. As a passionate member of our community I believe I will represent you all to the best of my abilities. Posse has pushed me to express my ideas, it gave me a place of importance, and because of this I hope I can represent the students of Middlebury as your Co-Chair.

Elections are now in a run-off and will be held this THURSDAY starting at NOON until Friday at noon. Please go out and vote! Encourage all your friends to vote as well.

AND support a Posse-Plus-er, Dane Verret, who is running for SGA President!


Posse love,
Janet Rodrigues (MP 10)