Facing Facebook (ha)
I think that whenever you make the choice to join a public social-networking site you have to be prepared for what comes with that. Are people going to be seeing information about you? Yes. That was probably the whole point of joining–sharing pictures, updates, and other things of the like with friends. Thankfully with certain privacy features you can limit how much and what kind of information you share. I may sound like kind of a hypocrite saying this because just the other day I was complaining about the new feature that allows people to see who has been looking at their page. A) I don’t want to know who has been looking at my page. I really, really, don’t B) Not that I really look at other people’s page but I don’t necessarily want them knowing that I have. But you know? I suck it up because I was the one who signed up for Facebook. I’m really bad about keeping in touch, I really am…Facebook is an easy and convenient way to keep me posted and keep the people I know in an easily accessible forum. Changing the levels of privacy for the people who are closest to you is also a fun way to keep only certain people in the loop, no doubt.
Let’s Talk Twitter
I, too, was skeptical about Twitter at first. For starters, I thought it had a stupid name-“Twitter,” really? Secondly, the idea of informing people what I was doing seemed kind of unnecessary since I already had Facebook (not that I even use Facebook to let people know what I was up to). But after joining at the insistence of one of my best friends, I kind of grew to like it. I use Twitter as more of a “philosophical” forum…noting things that I notice or just putting up lyrics that describe my mood in that current moment, rather than saying “I am a little upset” or something equally uninteresting. I think Twitter has a lot of potential with things like Amber Alerts and breaking news stories from the NY Times and things of the like. Does it annoy me when friends of mine post “unnecessary” updates that I don’t care about? SURE. But do I love it when I get “insider info” from the Jets and Cavs? You bet your bottom dollar! It’s a trade-off. For companies, especially, Twitter is an incredible bulletin forum. Instead of sending a mass e-mail or mass texts or something–just update the company Twitter and all your employees will be on the same page as you. Fast, easy, and best of all? FREE.
Transfer of Media
In class we’ve been talking a lot about the function of media, the form of media, and the transference of media. I recently stumbled upon a website that featured 69 love songs turned into drawings by its contributors. It’s really interesting to see how words turned into lyrics, turned into songs, which were then transformed to images, rendered by the various artist interpreters. The images take of a life of their own completely separate from their form as lyrics. Definitely worth checking out here. Funnily enough, it’s also a WordPress blog–oh, the possibilities!
A Podcast I Approve
60 Minutes…sadly, rarely do I have that many minutes to dedicate to television (thank goodness for Hulu!) However, if I want to listen to something on-the-go “60 Minutes” is my go-to. It’s one of those interesting and informative shows that don’t really rely on the visual because of its interview-style format. All you need to do is to sit back and listen (or run and listen if you’re at the gym…or walk and listen if you’re headed to class, etc.) I think that “60 Minutes” caters to all kinds of viewers/listeners because of all the different people that they interview on the show and all the different topics that they cover. Have there been times when I am not even remotely interested in what the episode is on? Sure. But then there are weeks where I’m anxiously awaiting an interview with someone that I greatly admire or respect. Really, it all depends on the week. If you want to check it out, click here. This form differs, not only because it’s something that you can view as well as listen to, but is perhaps on a higher cultural/educational spectrum than many other podcasts that may just be someone saying their opinion on miscellaneous topics. Either way, the times that I have listened to the “60 Minutes” podcast, I’ve enjoyed it.
The Dangers of Photoshop
I have very mixed feelings about Photoshop. Yes, its invention has allowed for the creation of many awesome works. However, it has allowed for the pure fabrication of a lot of things–it’s hard to tell what’s real anymore…I think a perfect example of this is the airbrushing that goes on with all of the pictures that appear in magazines. A lot of these women–while already thin and beautiful–are enhanced in ways to make them look even more flawless. This creates an ideal as well as an impossible standard that many young girls attempt to emulate. Therefore, just like all things, under the right circumstances, Photoshop can be an incredible tool for artistic creation; however, under the wrong ones and with “improper” use, it becomes just another weapon aimed at society. On a side note, though, I really do love using Photoshop 🙂
Comic Books…
McCloud’s book is a very interesting in its “self-analysis”–an equivalent would be a song that teaches you how to listen and write a song (hmm…) I found his writing about spatial disconnect and the species of media of particular interest. The way that time elapses in a comic book, in a film, in a song, and in practically every other media differentiate and I find that very fascinating. How one text can be translated from media to media is also really interesting.
I think a great comparison would be “Watchmen” which worked wonderfully as a graphic novel but didn’t fully translate as a film (although that might’ve been to the overly-stylized manner in which it was edited…less Sin City, more sucks). The film was just too “epic”…(less Lord of the Rings more Courtney Love on cocaine). Don’t get me wrong, it followed the comic very well, even emulating many of the shots…but that’s just it, it didn’t have that quality to make you think of it as a “film.”
Anyways, side-note: little known fact, but, I’m actually in love with Bruce Wayne. Yes, he’s a fictitious character…trifles!
My Kind of Learning…(A Blog I Really Like)
I’m secretly a robot and have wires for veins. Shh, don’t tell…
…but really, as far back as I can remember I’ve always loved technology. I’m from New York City and was one of those kids that had their first cell phone at the age of 10. Growing up I was surprisingly good at Physics and actually really wanted to be an aeronautical engineer to design the coolest (and pinkest!) aircrafts. That’s pretty technological, right?
Anyways, in everyday life, I’m very dependent on technology, whether it’s my coffee-maker in the morning, my computer at all hours of the day, and my cell phone any time I’m not in class (although, I shan’t lie, I sneak a compulsive peek at it every 12 minutes or so). I’d like to think that I’m very “present” online–Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, iChat, MSN Messgenger, Skype, G-Mail, Hulu, YouTube, and of course my very own website, DawsonDanger.com. I think the reason that I’m online so much is because I’m always traveling or always far away from the people I love and it’s extremely important to me that I stay in contact with them. Fortunately, I can do all of these things from my phone which means I’m never tied down (commitment? blech!)
I’m a DJ and I design, which means that I’m constantly doing research on music, new art, and new art techniques. I’m always looking for new widgets that will make my life run more smoothly–I’m currently looking for a “blog FOR you” app (I jest). No, but really…
As much as I love and adore and treasure technology and how it brings people together, I think it can sometimes be a big distraction from one’s immediate surroundings. It’s been a hazard for me many a times (flashback to microwave fiasco of ’07 when I didn’t hear or smell the popcorn burning because I was too occupied watching Battlestar Galactica episodes online…) True story. I mean, when’s the last time you sent a friend a letter or a postcard? Do you know your best friend’s phone number by heart or is it just stored on your phone? Stuff like that…
I’m not entirely sure what this first post is supposed to be…relationship with technology is it? Well, I’d say it’s healthy.
Yes, healthy.