
I’m secretly a robot and have wires for veins. Shh, don’t tell…

…but really, as far back as I can remember I’ve always loved technology. I’m from New York City and was one of those kids that had their first cell phone at the age of 10. Growing up I was surprisingly good at Physics and actually really wanted to be an aeronautical engineer to design the coolest (and pinkest!) aircrafts. That’s pretty technological, right?

Anyways, in everyday life, I’m very dependent on technology, whether it’s my coffee-maker in the morning, my computer at all hours of the day, and my cell phone any time I’m not in class (although, I shan’t lie, I sneak a compulsive peek at it every 12 minutes or so). I’d like to think that I’m very “present” online–Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, iChat, MSN Messgenger, Skype, G-Mail, Hulu, YouTube, and of course my very own website, I think the reason that I’m online so much is because I’m always traveling or always far away from the people I love and it’s extremely important to me that I stay in contact with them. Fortunately, I can do all of these things from my phone which means I’m never tied down (commitment? blech!)

I’m a DJ and I design, which means that I’m constantly doing research on music, new art, and new art techniques. I’m always looking for new widgets that will make my life run more smoothly–I’m currently looking for a “blog FOR you” app (I jest). No, but really…

As much as I love and adore and treasure technology and how it brings people together, I think it can sometimes be a big distraction from one’s immediate surroundings. It’s been a hazard for me many a times (flashback to microwave fiasco of ’07 when I didn’t hear or smell the popcorn burning because I was too occupied watching Battlestar Galactica episodes online…) True story. I mean, when’s the last time you sent a friend a letter or a postcard? Do you know your best friend’s phone number by heart or is it just stored on your phone? Stuff like that…

I’m not entirely sure what this first post is supposed to be…relationship with technology is it? Well, I’d say it’s healthy.

Yes, healthy.