Cruising Altitude is the altitude at which a plane flies the majority of the flight at. For most passenger jets it tends to be around 36,000 feet.

 Chateau Montrose is a winery in the Bordeaux Region of France that produces red wines that sell for about $300.

Trinity College Dublin has a secret wine cellar like mentioned in the book. Supposedly, the collection is worth up to 1.7 million euros.

Book of Kells is a 9th-century Irish illuminated manuscript gospel. The pages are very ornate and detailed in the Hiberno-Saxon art form.

Folio 32v shows Christ enthroned.












What Darwin Got Wrong is a 2010 book written by philosopher Jerry Fodor and cognitive scientist Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini critiquing Darwin’s theory of natural selection. They argue that for example since frogs both snap at flies and random noises we  “cannot predict/explain what traits the creatures in a population are selected-for”, and therefore “the claim that selection is the mechanism of evolution cannot be true”.

Book cover

Defeating Darwinism was written by the “Father of the Intelligent Design”, Phillip E. Johnson, in which he rejects common descent.

Book cover











Darwin’s Black Box is a book by Michael J. Behe in which he takes a biochemical approach to proving Darwin’s theory of evolution false. Behe argues that there is this irreducible complexity in humans that couldn’t have happened through evolution.


Book cover

Darwin on Trial is Phillip E. Johnson‘s more famous critique of Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Book cover











The Dark Side of Charles Darwin was written by Dr. Jerry Bergman. In the book, he argues about the major social and scientific ramifications that have happened because people believe Darwin’s theory of evolution to be true.

Book cover

Stephen Jay Gould was an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science. He founded the idea of punctuated equilibrium.









Punctuated Equilibrium is the evolutionary biology theory which argues that once species can be seen in the fossil record they will begin to show little evolutionary change for most of their geological history.

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Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829) was a French naturalist who was praised by Darwin for “the eminent service of arousing attention to the probability of all change in the organic… world, being the result of law, not miraculous interposition”, and called the “primary evolutionary theorist” by  Stephen Jay Gould.

Portrait by J. Pizzetta, 1893

Big Bang theory “is the prevailing cosmological model for the universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution.The model describes how the universe expanded from a very high density and high temperature state, and offers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), large scale structure and Hubble’s law.”(

Timeline of the metric expansion of space








Panspermia is the theory that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, comets, planetoids, and spacecraft.