Vitoria-Gasteiz This is the capital city of the Basque Autonomous Community and the province of Araba. It is a city of 242,082 (2014) people, covering 106.88 square miles (about the same size as Charleston, South Carolina). Check out tripadvisor for The Top 10 Things to do in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

A-1 Highway A-1 Highway, also known as Autovía del Norte, is a large roadway that connects Madrid to the northern city of Irun. It is considered one of Spain’s busiest highways.
Pamplona Pamplona is a city in Navarre, Spain. Pamplona has become famous for hosting the running of the bulls during the San Fermín festival. San Fermín is a week long celebration that is held to honor the Co-Patron of the city, Saint Fermin. Here is a clip of the famed event, known locally as encierro.

Huesca Huesca is the capital of the Huesca province, located in northeastern Spain. Both the Abbey of San Pedro del Viejo and the Parquet Miguel Servet are popular tourist destinations within the city.

Lleida Lleida is the capital city of the province of the same name. It is located in the western portion of Catalonia. Lleida is one of Catalonia’s oldest cities, boasting a rich history that dates back to the Bronze Age. Check out this website for interesting things to do in the city.

Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea is a basin connected to the Atlantic Ocean. It is almost entirely surrounded by land, being encompassed by southern European countries such as Greece and Italy as well as North African countries such as Egypt and Algeria. It covers an approximate area of 2.5 million kilometers squared.
dark abyss… purgatory… limbo Purgatory is a place where souls go after death, in which they must be purified before entering heaven. Limbo is similar, but the souls which are sent to limbo have committed an original sin but were not sent to Hell. The dark abyss is a reference to these places. They are considered to be blank voids in which souls may wander forever.
Religious terrorism Religious terrorism is the act of violence used to create fear or terror. The prime motivation for these acts stem from religious influences.
Anesthetizing Anesthetizing is to administer an anesthetic to either oneself or another to induce a state of unconsciousness. It is often used in surgeries for the protection of the patient.

Navy Service Pistol A navy service pistol can be any handgun issued to a navy personnel. It is typically is either a revolver or a semi-automatic pistol that is given to servicemen for personal use.

Seville’s Hospital Provincial de San Lázaro The hospital is located in Seville, Spain. It is in an inpatient institution that is open 24 hours a day.

Andaluz Andaluz is the adjective describing the people from the Andalusia community in Spain. It is broken up into eight provinces and its capital city is Seville. Andalusia is located in the southern region of Spain, encompassing most of the Southern part of the Iberian peninsula.
Semipro Fútbol Fútbol, or soccer in English, is the most popular sport in Spain. It has attracted such a following that many different leagues were created. One such league is Semi-pro. Unlike the pros, this league is not a full-time occupation.

Parallel Bars Parallel Bars are two horizontal bars, parallel to each other that are used for a specific event (of the same name) in the sport of gymnastics.
Traditionalism Traditionalism is the theory that all truths are passed through religion that originated from divine intervention. These truths are unattainable by simple human reasoning.
Orthodoxy Orthodoxy, specifically in regards to religion, refers to the adherence of creeds or rules outlined by the early church.