MATCH Corps is an urban education service year at the MATCH Charter Public Schools in Boston, MA. It is a highly selective post-grad fellowship year which pairs Corps members with 5 or 6 individual students in the MATCH High or Middle School, both award winning public schools. The Corps live together, and tutor their handful of students every day 2-on-1 in their classroom subjects, as well as TA-ing classes, coaching sports, and running extracurriculars.
Corps members also have the option to do a free teacher certification program during their Corps year, hence why they’re looking for Middlebury students with strong quantitative backgrounds who want to spend a few years as inner-city math teachers. Not normal ones. Unbelievably effective, “no excuses” teachers.
To that end, they’re hoping our students will be interested in doing MATCH Corps and the teacher training option on the way to becoming rockstar math teachers. Apply directly.
Ross Trudeau
Director of Recruiting
617 232 0300 x 135