Urban Teachers will be on-campus this Wednesday. If you are interested to visit with Torin Peterson to learn more, he’ll be at CCI in Adirondack House between 12 and 4pm on Wednesday. Please RSVP here to let him know – thanks! You can learn more about Urban Teachers here and via the blurb below (and when you’re ready to […]…Continue Reading Chat with Urban Teachers on Wednesday October 23rd!
Tag: Teaching Residency
Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 5/6-5/13
Here is this weeks’ upcoming Handshake deadlines for jobs, internships and fellowships in EDUCATION that are all PAID (since internship funding application deadline has passed) – click HERE to review them all (over 600 of them!). There are also many more outside of these deadlines so continue to develop your own searches using keywords and […]…Continue Reading Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 5/6-5/13
Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 5/6-5/13
Here is this weeks’ upcoming Handshake deadlines for jobs, internships and fellowships in EDUCATION that are all PAID (since internship funding application deadline has passed) – click HERE to review them all (over 600 of them!). There are also many more outside of these deadlines so continue to develop your own searches using keywords and […]…Continue Reading Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 5/6-5/13
Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 4/29-5/6
Here is this weeks’ upcoming Handshake deadlines for jobs, internships and fellowships in EDUCATION that are all PAID (since internship funding application deadline has passed) – click HERE to review them all. There are also many more outs……Continue Reading Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 4/29-5/6
Urban Teachers Extends Last Deadline to May 6th!
Urban Teachers has extended our final application deadline to Monday May 6th! This is the one and only deadline extension that we’ll be making, so if you’re interested to become an effective teacher in a high-need public school in Baltimore, DC, or Dallas, complete your application today! It should only take about 20-30 minutes to complete the online application. Please use this link to apply today! Program Details (find out more on our website and […]…Continue Reading Urban Teachers Extends Last Deadline to May 6th!
Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 4/15-4/22
Here is this weeks’ upcoming Handshake deadlines for jobs, internships and fellowships in Education – click HERE to review them all. There are also many more outside of these deadlines so continue to develop your own searches using keywords and industry sectors. Here are other Education-related EVENTS you can sign up to attend on Handshake: […]…Continue Reading Hot Handshake EDUCATION Jobs & Internships Week of 4/15-4/22
HOT Handshake EDUCATION Internships & Jobs Week of 3/11-3/18
Here is the weekly LINK on Handshake to educational opportunities with deadlines coming this week of March 11 through March 18. There are so many great opportunities, and here are a few examples: INTERNSHIPS Andover Summer – Teaching Assistant, Phillips Academy Breakthrough Santa Fe Teaching Fellow, Breakthrough Santa Fe Communications Summer Associate & Business Operations […]…Continue Reading HOT Handshake EDUCATION Internships & Jobs Week of 3/11-3/18