Vermont Employer Highlight: SunCommon

SunCommon® believes that everyone has the right to a healthy environment and brighter future – and renewable energy is where it starts. Energy from the sun can power our lives and build vibrant communities. SunCommon’s mission is to tear down barriers to clean energy and use their business as a force for good. Save Money. […]…Continue Reading Vermont Employer Highlight: SunCommon

How to Have a Purposeful Job Search

Carolyn Birsky ‘10.5 offers students a different way of approaching the job search process and avoid the trap of taking any job they can get their hands on. Students leave this event with a framework to self-inventory their strengths, values, along with a set of clear, actionable ways to conduct a purposeful job search. Ultimately, […]…Continue Reading How to Have a Purposeful Job Search

Seedsheet, Innovative Start-up is Hiring in Boston

New Seedsheet Job in Boston: Share with your friends in the Boston metro-area that Seedsheet, founded by Middlebury alum Cam MacKugler, is now hiring 2 Full-Time Salespeople to staff their permanent booth at the Boston Public Market. This would be an awesome opportunity for recent alums to dive into entrepreneurship and build up the valuable […]…Continue Reading Seedsheet, Innovative Start-up is Hiring in Boston

Middlebury Entrepreneurs — J-term 2018

The Innovation Hub is now accepting applications for Middlebury Entrepreneurs 2018! Midd Entrepreneurs is a winter term course for students who want to start their own business or non—profit organization. Students will spend the month developing their ideas, building their business models, prototyping, interacting with a wide range of mentors, and preparing for the final […]…Continue Reading Middlebury Entrepreneurs — J-term 2018

Winter Term Team Peru Internship Due October 30

Team Peru Internship for Credit with Prof. Orion Lewis- Calca Region, Peru Agriculture extension in Peru is based off a western, top down, teacher-student model that does not consider traditional methods of knowledge transfer. The Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development (AASD) is currently partnering with the community of Sacclio in Peru and a small group […]…Continue Reading Winter Term Team Peru Internship Due October 30

Teaching Alumni Panel on Thursday

The Education Studies Program presents “A Panel of Alumni Teachers: What’s it like to make the move from Middlebury to your own classroom?” Join Middlebury alumni Clifford Alexander ’15, Missan DeSouza ’14, Tim Garcia ’14, Megan LaCasse Mercier ’14, and Emily Owens ’08 as they address your questions on Thursday, October 26 at 7:30pm in […]…Continue Reading Teaching Alumni Panel on Thursday

Winter Term Internship Opportunities in Social Impact

Lots of Winter Term opportunities for students to get experience trying something that they are interested in or potentially to gain experience in their last internship before graduation. Below is a sampling of the opportunities. Sign in to Handshake and do a Keyword search with ‘winter term’ and more will show up! Environmental Winter Term […]…Continue Reading Winter Term Internship Opportunities in Social Impact