Promoting Student STEM Skills Through Inquiry Instruction: A Hands-on In-depth Workshop on Active Learning

From our colleagues in the sciences, Professors Costanza-Robinson, Bunt, Giddings and Vasiliou: “With support from the Ada Howe Kent Fund and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research (CTLR), we have organized this workshop on July 7th (Fri). The workshop leader, Gordon Uno, is a renowned educator and leader in promoting active learning. We saw […]…Continue Reading Promoting Student STEM Skills Through Inquiry Instruction: A Hands-on In-depth Workshop on Active Learning

How to Keep Your College Admission Offer: Start With Digital Literacy

While this article is focused on undergraduate admissions, grad school applicants need to consider this as well. There is some important advice about social media and college admissions, but also good advice for everyone. “… if you wouldn’t want something you posted to end up on a jumbotron in Times Square, DO NOT POST IT.” […]…Continue Reading How to Keep Your College Admission Offer: Start With Digital Literacy

Code2040: The Future of Tech

Code2040 creates access, awareness, and opportunities for top Black and Latinx engineering talent to ensure their leadership in the innovation economy. “Code2040 is a nonprofit organization that creates pathways to educational, professional, and entrepreneurial success in technology for underrepresented minorities with a specific focus on Black and Latinx people. Code2040 aims to close the achievement, […]…Continue Reading Code2040: The Future of Tech

Summer Research Program at Middlebury: Next Luncheon Tuesday, 7/11

Each summer at Middlebury, over 130 students are engaged in on-campus research with a faculty mentor. The topics range from Philosophy to Biochemistry. Most students are paid through various funding sources, including faculty grants and college endowed funds. The incredible staff in The Center for Teaching, Learning & Research/Undergraduate Research host a learning luncheon series […]…Continue Reading Summer Research Program at Middlebury: Next Luncheon Tuesday, 7/11

Save the Date! 2019-2020 Graduate Requirement Exam (GRE) On-Campus Test Dates

Some students elect to take a GRE subject test in preparation for graduate school. The paper based exam (available for Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, and Literature in English) is administered three times per academic year; in September, October, and April. Middlebury College will be administering GRE subject tests on: Saturday, September 14, 2019 Saturday, […]…Continue Reading Save the Date! 2019-2020 Graduate Requirement Exam (GRE) On-Campus Test Dates

Had a Job Interview but No Callback? Here’s What to Do Next Time

Days have passed since your job interview, and no one’s called or emailed. Later, you learn someone else was hired for the position. You were sure you aced the interview and would advance to the next round, but obviously the interviewer saw it differently. Click here for the full NYT article by Christopher Mele to […]…Continue Reading Had a Job Interview but No Callback? Here’s What to Do Next Time

Boston Tech Recruiters Reveal Top 3 Ways To Stand Out And Get Hired

“Wondering what is the best way to get a job in the tech industry? Or how to stand out in an industry where there is so much competition? Well, thanks to General Assembly Boston and their excellent panel of recruiters during Career Camp Week I was able to hear straight from recruiters in Boston’s tech […]…Continue Reading Boston Tech Recruiters Reveal Top 3 Ways To Stand Out And Get Hired