Welcome to the Libraries, Class of 2021

Hello, Class of 2021! We know you have questions — who doesn’t? Introduce yourself to a librarian at the Research Desk. You’ll find that we’re always happy to help. Tell us what you’re working on and together, we’ll figure out what to do next. Fall Research Desk Hours (September 10-December 15) Mon – Wed: 11 am […]…Continue Reading Welcome to the Libraries, Class of 2021

Open – Academic Cyberinfrastructure Transformation Team 2017-08-18 15:34:11

The ACTT has been evaluating MIddlebury’s services for video streaming. This summer, Middlebury has adopted Panopto, a service to manage and distribute video in a private space, as part of the solution. Panopto provides Middlebury faculty, students, and staff with

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Katrina, Atlanta, and NCAAL

  Middlebury’s Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer attended the National Conference of African American Librarians (NCAAL) in Atlanta, Georgia. See a brief video from the opening session shared on Twitter and read more coverage of the event in American Libraries’ Magazine.   How was your conference? OMG, great! I feel like this conference was Middlebury’s […]…Continue Reading Katrina, Atlanta, and NCAAL

Gad Kibet Comments on the School of the Environment

Name: Gad Kibet Hometown: Kapenguria, Kenya Major: Computer Science Year at Middlebury: Junior How did you decide to enroll in the School of the Environment and what are you hoping to gain? I decided to enroll in the School Environment because I wanted to gain a better understanding of the environmental issues we face today. […]…Continue Reading Gad Kibet Comments on the School of the Environment

African American Music Appreciation Month 2017

I grew up in a very musical household and that identity follows me wherever I go. Name: Katrina Spencer Title: Literatures & Cultures Librarian Hometown: Los Angeles, California Collaborators: Kat Cyr, Arabella Holzapfel, Amy Frazier, Terry Simpkins, Marlena Evans, Heather Stafford, Innocent Mpoki, Joe Antonioli, Sue Driscoll, Dan Frostman, Kim Gurney, Janine McDonald, Todd Sturtevant, […]…Continue Reading African American Music Appreciation Month 2017

A Zine Called “Dresses”

Find student Andrew Pester’s zine Dresses cataloged in Special Collections & Archives by visiting archivesspace.middlebury.edu and searching the course name “Outlaw Women.” To see the print copy this summer, make an appointment  and drop by the garden level of the Davis Family Library “The question of acceptance had a different weight for me.” ~Audre Lorde Name: Andrew […]…Continue Reading A Zine Called “Dresses”