Those who saw Mitt Romney eviscerate New Gingrich in the debate just prior to the Florida Republican primary likely weren’t surprised by Mitt’s strong performance against President Obama on Wednesday night. Although Mitt has been justly cited for……Continue Reading Democrats: Is It Time To Panic?
Tag: polling
Two More Polls: Where Things Stand in Iowa
At this rate I’ll never get my grading done. Two more polls just in and (fortunately!) they are consistent with my earlier analysis posted today. The first poll is a Rasmussen automated survey conducted Dec. 28, and the second is … Continue r……Continue Reading Two More Polls: Where Things Stand in Iowa
If Moses Polled the Israelites…Why Public Opinion Is Of Little Help In Solving the Debt Crisis
So, when it comes to solving the debt crisis, what do Americans want? More importantly, are politicians even listening? Should they be listening – is public opinion, as measured by surveys, even a reliable guide to policymakers? To answer these &……Continue Reading If Moses Polled the Israelites…Why Public Opinion Is Of Little Help In Solving the Debt Crisis
Is the Public Stupid? When A Chart Is Not Worth A Thousand Words
This item from yesterday’s Washington Post caught my eye as a useful teaching moment. Ezra Klein posted this graph, based on this most recent Washington Post/ABC Poll, under the label “A chart is worth a thousand words”:
It’s not clear what……Continue Reading Is the Public Stupid? When A Chart Is Not Worth A Thousand Words
It Really Is a Science
Politico’s David Catenese has picked up on (story here) the Research 2000-Markos Moulitsas fraud story I blogged about yesterday. In addition to the Blanche Lincoln-Bill Halter Arkansas Democrat Senate race, Catanese reminds us that Research 2000 a……Continue Reading It Really Is a Science