Did you hear that noise this morning? It was the sound of heads in the punditocracy exploding in reaction to Newt Gingrich’s “surprise” win in South Carolina yesterday. The new – and wrong – post-South Carolina conventional wisdom is captur……Continue Reading What Really Happened in South Carolina, and What It Means For The Rest Of The Race
Tag: Newt Gingrich; 2012 republican nomination
Gingrich In A Rout? Polls and Predictions For South Carolina Tonight
Based on surveys taken before last Monday’s South Carolina debate, Mitt Romney led Newt Gingrich in the RealClearPolitics aggregate poll by a comfortable 10%, 32.3% to 22%, and seemed poised to sweep the first three events in this nominating process,……Continue Reading Gingrich In A Rout? Polls and Predictions For South Carolina Tonight
Newt’s National Post-Debate “Surge”: Does It Matter in South Carolina?
A day after Monday’s Republican debate, the general consensus within the punditocracy is that Newt was the clear winner. The sentiment was captured in this post-debate analysis by the Washington Post’s Dan Balz: “The 16th debate of the GOP ……Continue Reading Newt’s National Post-Debate “Surge”: Does It Matter in South Carolina?
Advertising, Iowa and Newt: It’s Not Over Until The Big Head Croaks
Did Newt Gingrich make a mistake in not responding in kind to the onslaught of negative advertising directed at him in Iowa this past month? Most political observers are blaming Gingrich’s decline in the polls – his support has dropped … Co……Continue Reading Advertising, Iowa and Newt: It’s Not Over Until The Big Head Croaks
Who Doesn’t Love A Newt? Why Gingrich Should Win the Presidency
With friends like these, who needs enemies? While Newt Gingrich has been touting the virtues of the 11th commandment (Thou Shall Not Speak Ill of a Fellow Republican), and reminding everyone how much he respects his competitors for the party … ……Continue Reading Who Doesn’t Love A Newt? Why Gingrich Should Win the Presidency
The Gingrich Who Stole Iowa?
J. Ann Selzer, the highly-respected polling director for the Des Moines Register gave a fascinating interview for the Atlantic magazine recently that has implications for the upcoming Iowa caucuses. As regular readers know, perhaps the most significa……Continue Reading The Gingrich Who Stole Iowa?
When “Newt”cessity Becomes the Mother of Invention
As longtime readers know, my goal in writing these posts is to try to use political science, (loosely defined – often it’s more my political intuition) to make sense of political events as they happen. That means that rather than … Continue……Continue Reading When “Newt”cessity Becomes the Mother of Invention