Join Truman advisors Prof. Bert Johnson and Dean Lisa Gates and 2015 Truman Scholars Kate Hamilton and Maddie Orcutt for an in-depth conversation about the Truman scholarship program and application process. Juniors thinking about applying and first-year and sophomore students wanting to learn more are all welcome! Coffee and cookies served! No need to register […]…Continue Reading Truman Scholarship Info Session at 4:30pm on Tuesday, Oct 20 in the CTLR
Tag: juniors
Learn More about the Critical Language Scholarship–Webinar on Oct.16
From CLS: We here at the CLS Program are excited to host a general CLS webinar for students and faculty on Friday, October 16th, at 4pm EST. The webinar will explain the goals of the program to potential applicants, talk through the benefits of participating on the program, and offer tips on the CLS Application. […]…Continue Reading Learn More about the Critical Language Scholarship–Webinar on Oct.16
Upcoming Info Session about Fellowships for Sophomores, Juniors
Attention first-years, sophomores and juniors: learn about fellowships with late fall/ winter deadlines: Beinecke, Critical Language Scholarship (CLS), Goldwater, Pickering, Rangel, Truman, Udall and more. Most of these are only open to sophomores and juniors–but a few are also open to first-years. These are all different, but include awards for graduate study, summer study, and […]…Continue Reading Upcoming Info Session about Fellowships for Sophomores, Juniors
Summer/January Program in Brazil
Strategy and Marketing for Emerging Countries Program offered by the International Business School Americas in partnership with UNIP-Universidade Paulista. This intensive 2 or 3-week program is designed for students and young professionals, with no restriction on field of study and no background of Portuguese language is required. The program is held in São Paulo, International […]…Continue Reading Summer/January Program in Brazil
C3- Summer Research Opp in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Mathematics
As you think about summer plans, you may want to take a look at the C3 (Creating Connections Consortium) summer research opportunities at the University of California, Berkeley and Columbia University. Three current Middlebury students have participated in the program. Application deadline is February 1, 2015. Who can apply? The program invites applications from current […]…Continue Reading C3- Summer Research Opp in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Mathematics
Science Research Opps Roundup- Jan and Feb Deadlines!
Summer Opportunities (organized by deadline) U.S. Department of Energy Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program (MLEF) This program provides students with an opportunity to gain and develop research skills with the DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy for 10 weeks over the summer. Stipends start at $600 per week and eligible Fellows will receive an additional travel […]…Continue Reading Science Research Opps Roundup- Jan and Feb Deadlines!
Paid Summer Research Opp in DC or Boulder (NIST)- Midd deadline Jan. 9
NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) “Spend part of your summer working elbow to elbow with researchers at one of the world’s leading research organizations and home to four Nobel Prize winners.” The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Gaithersburg, MD is offering a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program for students majoring in science, […]…Continue Reading Paid Summer Research Opp in DC or Boulder (NIST)- Midd deadline Jan. 9