If, as all signs indicate, Herman (The Herminator) Cain terminates his campaign tomorrow, this is likely more good news for Gingrich. That is because, as I suggested in this earlier post, most of the survey data suggests that a significant … Co……Continue Reading Conjuring the Ghost of Cain
Tag: Herman Cain
The Cain Mutiny
As the vultures begin to circle over Herman Cain’s candidacy, one has to wonder where his supporters will go if, as the media speculation suggests, Cain will end his presidential bid. Early indications are that Newt Gingrich will be the … C……Continue Reading The Cain Mutiny
Is Cain Able? (Previewing the New Hampshire debate)
Of winning the Republican nomination, that is. Since his unexpectedly strong showing in the Florida straw poll a little more than two weeks ago, Cain has vaulted into the top tier of Republican candidates, along with Romney and Perry, as … Cont……Continue Reading Is Cain Able? (Previewing the New Hampshire debate)