Jill Mikucki (Biology) has received funding from the National Science Foundation for her expenses in a collaborative research project titled Minimally Invasive Drilling Glacial Exploration (MIDGE). Originally awarded to Jill when she was at the University of Tennessee, the grant has now been transferred to Middlebury and will support the design and testing of a […]…Continue Reading Jill Mikucki receives NSF grant for collaborative research in Antarctica
Tag: Faculty Grants
Kareem Khalifa receives visiting fellowship to support his academic leave
Kareem Khalifa (Philosophy) has received a visiting fellowship from the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh in support of his 2016-17 academic leave. He will spend the fall at the Center pursuing his current research project titled Explanation, Pluralism, and Representation. Using case studies from a variety of scientific disciplines, he will […]…Continue Reading Kareem Khalifa receives visiting fellowship to support his academic leave
Max Ward receives grants to support his academic leave and book preparation
Max Ward (History) has received grants from the Japan Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities Japan-US Friendship Commission (NEH-JUSFC) in support of his research during his 2015-16 academic leave. He is currently a Visiting Researcher at Waseda University in Tokyo Japan, where he is completing a book manuscript titled Ghost in the Machine: Imperial Ideology and Thought Reform in Interwar Japan. […]…Continue Reading Max Ward receives grants to support his academic leave and book preparation
Priscilla Bremser and colleagues awarded NSF grant for Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates
Priscilla Bremser (Mathematics) is Middlebury’s representative in a network of 61 liberal arts institutions that will benefit from a Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates (TEU) grant awarded to Vassar College by the National Science Foundation. Entitled Summer STEM Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates from Liberal Arts Institutions, this grant will provide opportunities in each of the next […]…Continue Reading Priscilla Bremser and colleagues awarded NSF grant for Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates
Erik Bleich Receives NSF Funding for Collaborative Research on Free Speech
Erik Bleich (Political Science) has received funding as a Co-PI on a National Science Foundation collaborative grant for a multi-year study titled Comparative Free Speech Jurisprudence. This project involves researchers from multiple countries who are assembling information on judicial decisions … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Erik Bleich Receives NSF Funding for Collaborative Research on Free Speech
Erik Bleich Receives NSF Funding for Collaborative Research on Free Speech
Erik Bleich (Political Science) has received funding as a Co-PI on a National Science Foundation collaborative grant for a multi-year study titled Comparative Free Speech Jurisprudence. This project involves researchers from multiple countries who are assembling information on judicial decisions … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Erik Bleich Receives NSF Funding for Collaborative Research on Free Speech
Murray Dry and Keegan Callanan receive funding for Constitution Day Initiative
Murray Dry and Keegan Callanan (both Political Science) have received funding from the Jack Miller Center to host a lecture as part of the Constitution Day Initiative. This lecture will reach a wide range of students, faculty, and members of … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Murray Dry and Keegan Callanan receive funding for Constitution Day Initiative