Come see and hear Senior Work!

The Film & Media Culture Department welcomes the Middlebury community to two events presenting the independent work of our seniors: Thursday 5/7, 7:30 pm in Dana Auditorium: Independent Video Screenings by Waylon D’Mello, David Ellis, Jason Gutierrez, and Matt Leonard. Following the screening at around 8:30 pm on 5/7, we will have a end-of-semester reception […]…Continue Reading Come see and hear Senior Work!

Two Screenings on April 15 and 16

This week, there are two screenings with filmmakers attending: On Wed April 15 at 7:45 pm in Dana, we’ll be viewing the PBS broadcast of Planet Forward. The show is a companion to the website, which features short user-generated videos about global warming and energy issues. The show’s producer and host, Frank Sesno, is a […]…Continue Reading Two Screenings on April 15 and 16

Lecture: Laura Mulvey, March 6 at 12:30 pm

Film scholar Laura Mulvey will give a lecture entitled “Back to Modernity: thoughts on reality, narrative cinema from another technological age” on March 6, 2009 at 12:30 in Axinn 229.  Ms. Mulvey is a professor of film and media studies at the University of London, teaching this year at Wellesley College as the Mary Cornille […]…Continue Reading Lecture: Laura Mulvey, March 6 at 12:30 pm

Screening of JJ Hurvich’s senior video, 1/23

Super-senior JJ Hurvich will be screening her senior video project on Friday, 1/23 at 7:30 in Johnson, in conjunction with a studio art student show. Please come show your support for their work!
5:00 PM – “Self-Exposure / Full Disclosure”
Opening of senior work by Maddie Terry, ‘08.5, in the Johnson gallery.  The show consists of works […]…Continue Reading Screening of JJ Hurvich’s senior video, 1/23