The Film & Media Culture Department welcomes the Middlebury community to two events presenting the independent work of our seniors: Thursday 5/7, 7:30 pm in Dana Auditorium: Independent Video Screenings by Waylon D’Mello, David Ellis, Jason Gutierrez, and Matt Leonard. Following the screening at around 8:30 pm on 5/7, we will have a end-of-semester reception […]…Continue Reading Come see and hear Senior Work!
Tag: Events
Two Screenings on April 15 and 16
This week, there are two screenings with filmmakers attending: On Wed April 15 at 7:45 pm in Dana, we’ll be viewing the PBS broadcast of Planet Forward. The show is a companion to the website, which features short user-generated videos about global warming and energy issues. The show’s producer and host, Frank Sesno, is a […]…Continue Reading Two Screenings on April 15 and 16
Special Screening of Revolutionary Road with Screenwriter Justin Haythe
Justin Haythe ’96 will return to Middlebury to screen Revolutionary Road, which he adapted from the Richard Yates novel. The screening will be in Dana Auditorium on Sunday, March 15 at 7:30 pm, followed by a question & answer session….Continue Reading Special Screening of Revolutionary Road with Screenwriter Justin Haythe
Lecture: Laura Mulvey, March 6 at 12:30 pm
Film scholar Laura Mulvey will give a lecture entitled “Back to Modernity: thoughts on reality, narrative cinema from another technological age” on March 6, 2009 at 12:30 in Axinn 229. Ms. Mulvey is a professor of film and media studies at the University of London, teaching this year at Wellesley College as the Mary Cornille […]…Continue Reading Lecture: Laura Mulvey, March 6 at 12:30 pm
Screening of Sam Morrill’s film, 1/27
FMMC’s Digital Media Intern Sam Morrill has written and directed a film, La Milagrosa, which will be screened in Dana Auditorium, 8 pm on Tuesday Jan. 27th. We hope to see many of you there!…Continue Reading Screening of Sam Morrill’s film, 1/27
Screening of JJ Hurvich’s senior video, 1/23
Super-senior JJ Hurvich will be screening her senior video project on Friday, 1/23 at 7:30 in Johnson, in conjunction with a studio art student show. Please come show your support for their work!
5:00 PM – “Self-Exposure / Full Disclosure”
Opening of senior work by Maddie Terry, ‘08.5, in the Johnson gallery. The show consists of works […]…Continue Reading Screening of JJ Hurvich’s senior video, 1/23