Tuesday, September 10th 2019 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm – VIRTUAL EVENT; Register here: https://leveragingyouridentityinentrep.splashthat.com/ Women as well as racial and ethnic minorities are starting businesses at rates faster than the national average, yet they are woefully underrepresented in the startup & tech workplace. Hear about the opportunity to combine identity and business to make […]…Continue Reading Leveraging Your Identity in Entrepreneurship and Tech with Venture for America
Tag: Entrepreneurship
3rd Vermont Ventures Trip w/the Innovation Hub 12/8
The Innovataion Hub wants to loop you into the THIRD Vermont Ventures Trip Announcement!! Theme: Sustainable Manufacturing Practices When: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th. 1:30-4:30pm. Where: Bee’s Wrap, a sustainable food storage company, and May West, a small venture getting into milkweed garment production. If you’re interested in attending and getting a spot on the bus up […]…Continue Reading 3rd Vermont Ventures Trip w/the Innovation Hub 12/8
Entrepreneurship Fellowship Information Session
Join Abbie Spector ’17 to learn more about Venture for America! Abbie will provide additional information about the fellowship, the application process, and start-up life. Thursday, November 9, 2017 CCI Adirondack House Library 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Venture for America is a two-year fellowship program for recent college graduates interested in entrepreneurship and working […]…Continue Reading Entrepreneurship Fellowship Information Session
Seedsheet, Innovative Start-up is Hiring in Boston
New Seedsheet Job in Boston: Share with your friends in the Boston metro-area that Seedsheet, founded by Middlebury alum Cam MacKugler, is now hiring 2 Full-Time Salespeople to staff their permanent booth at the Boston Public Market. This would be an awesome opportunity for recent alums to dive into entrepreneurship and build up the valuable […]…Continue Reading Seedsheet, Innovative Start-up is Hiring in Boston
Middlebury Entrepreneurs — J-term 2018
The Innovation Hub is now accepting applications for Middlebury Entrepreneurs 2018! Midd Entrepreneurs is a winter term course for students who want to start their own business or non—profit organization. Students will spend the month developing their ideas, building their business models, prototyping, interacting with a wide range of mentors, and preparing for the final […]…Continue Reading Middlebury Entrepreneurs — J-term 2018
Do You Like to Build…a Start-Up? Venture for America is Looking for You
VFA is a two-year fellowship program for recent undergrads who want to work at a startup and create jobs in American cities. Fellows learn important startup skills at their five-week Training Camp, apply for jobs within their vetted company network, and work for two years as full-time, salaried employees in one of 18 cities. When Fellows […]…Continue Reading Do You Like to Build…a Start-Up? Venture for America is Looking for You
What’s Happening at Old Stone Mill?
Middmag went to OSM’s fall showcase and met up with some of the current tenants, including an app developer, a clothes designer, and a group opening a beauty salon for women of color….Continue Reading What’s Happening at Old Stone Mill?