First the bad news for Clinton supporters. The national polls have indisputably tightened since Clinton’s peak post-convention bounce in early August. On August 8, the HuffPost aggregate polling had her up by 8.4%, 48.3%-39.9% over Trump, consistent with pundits’ predictions that this would be a blowout election. As of today, however, her aggregate lead is down […]…Continue Reading Why Clinton Supporters Shouldn’t Panic
Tag: 2016 presidential campaign
Cue Kevin Bacon! National Polls Show General Election Dead Heat!
Cue the panic! Two new national polls are out, and and they show Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in a near tie in a hypothetical general election matchup. That represents a considerable tightening of the survey results from a month ago, when Clinton held double digit leads over Trump in most national polls, as this […]…Continue Reading Cue Kevin Bacon! National Polls Show General Election Dead Heat!
Why Trump’s Vice Presidential Choice Is Worth More Than Warm Spit
It is easy to mock, as much of social media did, Ted Cruz’s decision last week to announce that Carly Fiorina will be his vice presidential running mate. For critics (myself included), it appeared to be nothing more than a last-moment Hail Mary pass designed to blunt Donald Trump’s momentum coming out of The Donald’s […]…Continue Reading Why Trump’s Vice Presidential Choice Is Worth More Than Warm Spit
The State of the Race: Trump the Wonk, Carly’s Scrutiny, Biden’s Pledge and Lameducks and Nude Beaches
There are a variety of different political stories that caught my eye these last few days. Since I can’t tackle them all in the depth they deserve – at least not in a timely fashion – I thought I’d briefly comment on some of the most important. Here, in no particular order, are my thoughts […]…Continue Reading The State of the Race: Trump the Wonk, Carly’s Scrutiny, Biden’s Pledge and Lameducks and Nude Beaches
Keeping Up With The Real Jindals of Louisiana!
Apropos my piece yesterday at U.S. News exploring why so many Republicans are running for president, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has announced that he too is seeking the Republican nomination for the presidency. That makes a baker’s dozen Republican candidates so far, with Scott Walker likely to formally join in the next few days as […]…Continue Reading Keeping Up With The Real Jindals of Louisiana!
Why I’m Telling The Donald: You’re Hired!
My students (and their parents) as well as long-time readers of this blog know by now that I don’t vote in national elections. As I’ve explained (and as George Stephanopoulos recently reminded us) my reason for not voting is that I don’t want my readers to view me as simply another partisan pundit trumpeting the […]…Continue Reading Why I’m Telling The Donald: You’re Hired!
Hillary Clinton: Campaigning in Prose
“You campaign in poetry; you govern in prose,” former New Yorker Governor Mario Cuomo famously proclaimed. Hillary Clinton is likely to prove Cuomo wrong; her campaign rollout speech yesterday on New York’s Roosevelt Island suggests she is determined to campaign in prose as well. Indeed, it was about as prosaic a speech as one could […]…Continue Reading Hillary Clinton: Campaigning in Prose