Potential confusion when sharing documents with Middlebury users who do not yet have a Google Apps @ MIDD account during this evaluation period

You can share documents with anyone who has a Gmail account by listing the person’s Gmail address in the Share This Document screen. If you enter an email address of someone without a Gmail account in the Share This Document screen, that person will receive an invitation to create a public Gmail account.
If you enter […]…Continue Reading Potential confusion when sharing documents with Middlebury users who do not yet have a Google Apps @ MIDD account during this evaluation period

How is Google Apps Different?

Google Apps doesn’t offer any tools or services that you can’t find anywhere else.  As well, many of the Google Apps do not offer as many features as comparable applications from other vendors do.  For example, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint offer many more features than their Google App equivalents. However, Google Apps for many […]…Continue Reading How is Google Apps Different?

What is Google Apps Education Edition?

Google is currently offering schools a hosted solution for their email, calendar, and chat through Google Apps Education Edition, an integrated communication and collaboration solution. Thier offering includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Sites, and Google Docs and Google Video, all using our own school’s domain.
Google Apps Education Edition includes:

Gmail: Email storage and search tools that help […]…Continue Reading What is Google Apps Education Edition?

Student Thesis Online: Transmedia Storytelling in Television 2.0

One of FMMC’s honors graduates this past year, Aaron Smith, wrote a project that warrants broader dissemination, given its timely topic and “prescriptive” tone. Aaron wrote about transmedia storytelling in contemporary television, specifically exploring what lessons can be learned from experiments from the last decade and how future storytellers might devise more successful examples. Aaron […]…Continue Reading Student Thesis Online: Transmedia Storytelling in Television 2.0

Budget Cuts and The New England Review

After announcing the third round of budget cuts a few weeks ago, I received more than 50 e-mails protesting my decision to accept the Budget Oversight Committee’s (BOC) recommendation, slightly amended, that the College reduce support for The New England Review.  Although the BOC proposed that the College cease all financial support of The Review, […]…Continue Reading Budget Cuts and The New England Review

Come see and hear Senior Work!

The Film & Media Culture Department welcomes the Middlebury community to two events presenting the independent work of our seniors: Thursday 5/7, 7:30 pm in Dana Auditorium: Independent Video Screenings by Waylon D’Mello, David Ellis, Jason Gutierrez, and Matt Leonard. Following the screening at around 8:30 pm on 5/7, we will have a end-of-semester reception […]…Continue Reading Come see and hear Senior Work!