Present: Mike Roy, Carol Peddie, Chris Norris, Mary Backus, Shel Sax, Terry Simpkins, Doreen Bernier. Guest: Fred Schmitt
Fred Schmitt joined us to discuss team training sessions. Though we haven’t finalized the dates for training yet, Fred suggested Fridays during the HR-sponsored management training program. Fred will also be working with the SLT. We discussed questions such as the duration of Team membership, how we can create time in the day for Team work, and whether we should routinely revisit Team membership as Teams complete their charges. Mike will be sending out an email to LIS requesting input and suggestions for agenda items for these new training sessions.
We are about to start the annual performance evaluation process. The timeline is as follows:
- Self-evaluations and Team 360 evaluations are due to managers by 2/17
- Managers need to make recommendations to their director by 2/29 – please note: this is a firm deadline
- SLT will discuss and identify staff exceeding expectations during the 3/1 weekly meeting, and communicate back to managers by 3/5
- Managers should meet with staff between 3/6-3/23. Please do not begin meeting until after the directors have confirmed the managers recommendations regarding performance rating.
- Forms should be signed by staff and manager and returned to the director by 3/23.
- All evaluations will be delivered to HR by 3/31
We followed with a detailed discussion about the MSLive/Google evaluation, which will be continued at next week’s meeting. We need to clarify the features we want to evaluate/compare, and receive feedback from managers/workgroups about involving staff in the process.evaluation.
Draft agenda for 1/26
- Liaison expectations for non-RCS liaisons (carried over from 1/19)
- Additional evaluation questions
- Google/MSLive continued
- Preview of upcoming discussion of on College strategic planning
Draft agenda for Feb. 2
- Tim Spears will join @ 11:00 am discuss the employee survey
- Set agendas for managers and all staff meetings
- SLAs – process for approval/implementation
- Calendar review
- Feb 1: LIS in-service day planning team formed
- Feb:15: Applications from workgroups for LIS interns due to LIS administration
Thanks for reading
Terry & Doreen