Greetings folks!
Campus finally looks like its alive again with all of you back here in Vermont in person. For those of you studying abroad, here’s to a wonderful semester or year. There are a few TIPS that I’d like to introduce you to about using CCI’s Handshake database which is chock full of internship and job opportunities waiting for you to apply. Please read these Tips and feel free to reach out, should you need additional assistance:
- Fill out or update your Handshake profile AND your “My Career Interests” information. The more you “talk” to Handshake, the better it will work for you. If you update your Career Interests area it will start to curate opportunities based on what you let Handshake know you’re interested in. Update it each semester or yearly!
- Set up “Job Alerts” to get NEW opportunities in your email as soon as they are posted: when you use the filters or keywords to search for internships or jobs, you can “sort” the results by “Application Deadline” and then “Save the Search” which is found on the top of the results of the search: Don’t Miss Out-New jobs are getting added all the time. SAVE YOUR SEARCH and be the first to know. Here’s a quick Save Your Search Tutorial borrowed from UCLA.
- Have your resume reviewed by a PCA (Peer Career Advisor) BEFORE you apply for any internships or jobs–REALLY IMPORTANT!! PCA Quick Question (QQs) hours and locations this fall semester can be found on our main CCI site.
- Make an appointment with an Advisor through Handshake, and that could be me, Tracy Himmel Isham, if you’re interested in the environment, non-profits, sustainable agriculture, education, international development, and anything that you might want to add a social impact lens to.
Looking forward to seeing you over the fall semester and welcome back!
~Tracy Himmel Isham
Associate Director for Social Impact Careers
Center for Careers and Internships
New Address: 152 College Street | Kitchel House 202
Middlebury College | Middlebury, VT 05753
m: 802.377.2170
Pronouns: she/her/hers