The United Way of Addison County is enthusiastically preparing for their 2020 Annual Days of Caring event. As you may know, every year the United Way sends out hundreds of community volunteers to complete dozens of projects at non-profits throughout Addison County.
As you can imagine, placing volunteers throughout the county to support our local nonprofits will look much different this year. In fact, it’s going virtual the entire month of September for our very first Month of Caring!
Our mission remains the same in 2020: to help volunteers develop a deep understanding of nonprofit agencies and give back to their local Addison County community. However, to keep our community healthy and safe, you as volunteers will do this individually throughout September, in your Month of Caring t-shirts. We request photos from you while volunteering, and at the close of the month, will host a virtual “appreciation party” for all participants and sponsors on September 30, 2020 that will include a video of the month’s participants in their t-shirts!
If you would like to serve as a 2020 Month of Caring Volunteer, please click here to register to participate. For more information visit their website at: https://unitedwayaddisoncounty.org/days-of-caring