Last week we deployed a new site for attendees of the Bread Loaf Conferences to upload photos and bios of themselves and connect with other attendees.

Webforms from and can now be embedded in the Drupal 8 Institute site and WordPress. When editing your form, you’ll see a new link and tab with instructions on how to do this.


Fixes and Tweaks

  • Service Catalog now supports categorizing Canvas LTIs, Google apps, and O365 apps by suite.
  • Service Catalog now supports linking to Vendor Terms of Service (example) to aid with digital literacy.

Ongoing Work

  • Fixes and tweaks for the new Institute site
  • Upgrading applications to run on PHP 7.1.
  • Upgrading the Drupal sites for the Davis programs, Dining Menus, and Museum of Art to Drupal 8.
  • Creating an online Services Catalog