We have added a new plugin to WordPress, Middlebury REST API Whitelist, that is now network active.  It addresses issues accessing the WordPress API that allows us to now upgrade some other plugins to their most current version.

CAS Upgrade this week
The CAS authentication service at login.middlebury.edu is currently scheduled to be upgraded on Thursday morning, June 7th. We plan to upgrade our CAS server to the latest release and new high-availability clustered hardware. During the transition and DNS switch-over period, authentication to applications authenticating via CAS will be impacted.  Affected applications include: Canvas, Course Catalog, CRFAccess, Course Hub (courses.middlebury.edu), Drupal sites (www.middlebury.edu, forms.middlebury.edu, etc), online Directory, GO, Lynda, MediaWiki, Omeka, MiddLink, Project Dashboard, SANSSpace, StudioAbroad, and WordPress (sites.middlebury.edu, etc). A likely cause if issues on the user-end will be cached DNS entries pointing at the old CAS servers. While it maybe be possible for users to flush their computer’s DNS cache, misconfigured DNS caching in home routers and ISPs may cause lingering problems for off-campus users for much of the day.


Fixes and Tweaks

Ongoing Work

  • Fixes and tweaks for the new Institute site https://www.middlebury.edu/institute/
  • Upgrading applications to run on PHP 7.1.
  • Upgrading the Drupal sites for the Davis programs, Dining Menus, and Museum of Art to Drupal 8.
  • Upgrading CAS to 5.2.9
  • Creating a photo sharing platform for the Breadloaf Writer’s Conference