Navigating Your Job Search in Independent Schools with Educators Ally

Monday, October 30, 2017, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, CCI Library – Adirondack House

Educator’s Ally will be here to discuss how to best position yourself for a successful job search in the competitive independent school market. They’ll discuss all aspects of the search process from types of positions available, to resume review, to interview tips, to negotiating an offer.

Contact: Brett Bodnar, Educator’s Ally

To sign up for an interview scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 31, it is a 2-Step Process:

  1. First, apply on Handshake for the K-12 Teaching Opportunities ’18 – here:
  2. Then, sign up for the related interview schedule and pick a convenient time here:

All majors are encouraged to apply and all class years are encouraged to come to the info session on Monday to learn what it takes to be a teacher at an independent private school.