Fixed an issue that was preventing the group permissions dialog from working on Drupal Webform “who can view data submitted to this form” screens.
ESL courses in the MIIS Course Hub now show links to the class roster and properly sync their rosters to linked Canvas sites.
The Library & ITS Internal blog will now show syndicated posts locally so that in-site navigation doesn’t bump you out to an external site. The bottom of each syndicated post will have a link labelled “Read more and comment” for those who wish to view the content at its source.
Removed 2016 and added 2019 as enrollment year options on the LS and MSOE inquiry forms.
MiddSTART now displays the total amount donated to the project, rather than the amount remaining to reach the goal.
The Middlebury and MIIS GO sites now use the Google Tag Manager, rather than the Google Analytics code.
We removed the Drupal Google Analytics module, which is no longer in use on any of our sites.