Apple Update


Yes, it is that time again, when your Mac is urging you to update your software with those little reminders up in corner or showing a pop-up on the iPad or iPhone for it.

OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 Update

Updating is so simple now, just open up App Store in your dock and click Updates.  Then, Update All when prompted.  After your Mac downloads the updates you will be prompted to restart which you should.  The whole process takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes.  These Yosemite updates fix minor issues with certain apps, helps improve performance as well as enhances security for your Mac.

For more info, click the following Apple support link to read more and/or download the new update.

Apple OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 Support


iOS 8.4.1 Update

There is also a new iOS 8.4.1 update for iPhones, iPods and iPads.  This update fixes minor issue with Apple Music including your iCloud Music Library, and along with other software bug fixes there is enhancement to security as well.  Simply open the App Store, then under General open Software Updates where you will Install Updates.

Security for your device is very important and Apple is providing information about Apple Security Updates in the link provided below.


Apple Support