It is an exploration of the versatility of a career in design, how design is applied differently across industries, and what it looks like to be a design leader facing the business and social challenges of our world.

The seventh annual Design Nation conference will run from April 15th-16th 2023 in New York City. Program offerings include keynote speakers, executive seminars, panel speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities. 
Early Round applications are due December 31st. Applications include resume and portfolio submission, as well as short-answer responses.

Past speakers include: Greg Lutze (Co-Founder, VSCO), Abbott Miller (Partner, Pentagram), Jamie Myrold (Former VP of Design, Adobe), Phil Russo (Creative Director, Converse), Sarah Alpern (VP of Design, LinkedIn), and so much more! 

We are not looking for just designers; entrepreneurs, artists, writers, and makers are all welcome–anyone with a love for design wishing to learn more are welcome. All applications are considered on a need-blind basis, and all travel and accommodation costs are covered for accepted attendees.

Please feel free to email with any questions. We hope to see your application soon!

Click here to apply!