HOT OFF THE PRESS: MALT (Middlebury Area Land Trust) was awarded an AmeriCorps member position for the 2022-2023 year. The position serves 450 hours during any time between September 2022 and August 2023. This is a new format for us and we’re wondering if a Midd student could be a good fit, serving the hours over the course of the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year.  We’d like to recruit a student before the fall so we have time to plan with them before the academic year begins.

We’re looking for someone who:

  • would fit well in a small environmental non-profit setting
  • wants to connect people with the outdoors
  • skills and interest in any combination of mapping, conservation and land stewardship, recreation trail work, and/or environmental education with youth
  • availability to serve 450 hours over the academic year

The compensation works out to be about $15.00/hour including the stipend they receive for future education costs (or existing student loans).

We’re in the early stages of shaping the experience, so if you might be interested, please reach out to MALT’s new Education Manager, Simon Schreier,