Ivy Geilker ’19.5 shared this opportunity and I wanted to spread the word. As she says “I studied the labor movement in Soc courses and it has been really amazing and eye opening to be boots on the ground after years of theory. I think other soc majors would really excel in this job and be able to put their degrees to use.”
Colorado WINS has been on the cutting edge of building power for state employees in Colorado and fighting for economic, racial, and social justice. In 2020, we passed a bill giving collective bargaining rights to state employees and in 2021 secured our first-ever contract. We are now hiring organizers in Colorado on this exciting campaign to build a 21st-century union for 30,000 state employees.
Colorado state employees preserve and protect the things Coloradans love about the state. They are Black, brown, white and Asian and make life better for families and communities. They care for veterans and those with disabilities; maintain the safety and use of state roads and bridges; protect the quality of drinking water and air; provide stewardship to public lands and boost tourism; keep prisons and communities secure and provide many other essential services.
Learn more and apply in Handshake here: https://middlebury.joinhandshake.com/jobs/6127224/share_preview