Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM ET/11:00 AM PT
Duration & Cost: 60 minutes & FREE
Have you heard the buzz about the resurgence of the printed book! During this webinar, Chris Lyons, President of Book Business will explore with some top book publishing experts about the resurgence they are seeing in the book publishing industry, and you will hear insights into how and why publishers are seeing growth in new title and back list sales.
Please join Perry Crowe, Executive Managing Editor at Hay House, Inc., a world leader in transformational publishing (self-help, mind-body-spirit, healthy living, etc.). Perry leads Hay House’s departments of Managing Editorial, Production, and Inventory. Also joining us is Shona Burns past Executive Director of Content Management at Chronicle Books and currently Founder of WiseWork Associates. These book publishing company production leaders will share their insights into the opportunities found in the current and future state of the book publishing market.
Click here to register for this free educational webinar!