It’s very likely that the current state of the world has made you think twice about your preparedness when it comes to disasters (or pandemics) and your finances. Whether or not your family has been hit directly with lower pay due to COVID-19, you may discover you aren’t as financially prepared for a crisis as you thought.  

The good news is that it’s not too late to start to disaster-proof your bank accounts.

1. Talk with a financial expert. The EAP offers a 30-minute consultation at no cost to you and your household members. Bring up any topic on your mind and work toward a sustainable solution.
2. Take advantage of Work/Life services. Through EAP, you can receive support and referral to local resources for things like rent, low-cost housing, food pantries, utilities and more.
3. Use a money management app to help you pay attention to your spending, income, debt and savings. You might be surprised by where your money is going.
4. Stockpile emergency savings by setting up automatic transfers to your savings account. Aim to save enough to cover household expenses for six months.
5. Add up your total debt and set up realistic monthly payments that will help you eliminate it. If you suddenly can’t pay your minimums, it’s okay to ask for help.
6. Re-evaluate your spending every 3-6 months and decide if there are any expenses you can cut. Redirect that money toward your savings or debt reduction.
7. Remember money can be emotional. If you become upset or overwhelmed by your finances, reach out to your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for a free financial consultation.  

Managing your money is an ongoing process – but you don’t have to do it alone. With your EAP, you can schedule a consultation, access more articles like this, helpful tools (like an emergency savings calculator!), assessments and even counseling. For more tips on navigating your finances during the pandemic, visit and sign in with your company code.  

Wondering what else the EAP can do for you? Join this month’s free webinars on Organization for Life and Essential Leadership Skills. Go online to register.  

Want to share this information with your employees? Click here for an English or a Spanish poster.

Keep an eye on your calendar for these helpful dates!    

October 1 October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, a good reminder to schedule your yearly exam. Click for more information, resources, and ways to become involved.    

October 5 Wear blue and show your support for World Day of Bullying Prevention™. October is also National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.    

October 10 It’s Mental Health Screening Day and Mental Illness Awareness Week (10/4-10/10). Take a free screening or schedule a visit with your provider. Break the stigma. Mental health illnesses are common and treatable.    

October 21 Attend our first monthly webinar and learn essential leadership skills.    

October 28 Attend our second monthly webinar: Organization for life.  

October 31 Happy Halloween! Enjoy a safe and healthy holiday.    

Call the EAP Support Line anytime.  
For the latest news and resources on the COVID-19 pandemic, log in to the EAP page of using your company passcode. Then visit the: COVID-19 resource libraryHealth resource library