The transition to remote learning brought the crucial role of educators to the foreground. We wanted to take this time to reach out to some Middlebury alumni educators teaching in Vermont and recognize them for all the work they do, including their efforts to stay connected with students during this isolation period.  

Ariana Bailey received her MA in Spanish from Middlebury’s Language Schools in 2011 and started teaching at Middlebury Union High School that same year.  Since then, Ariana has brought her students to campus to meet with Language in Motion students, and she and her students have hosted many LiM students in their classroom at MUHS and are even continuing to “host” them virtually!  

While she grew up in Vermont, Ariana traveled extensively and lived in Spain and Mexico and always pictured herself living abroad long term. However, she found herself constantly coming back to Vermont. Speaking to Vermont’s charm, Ariana states: “Vermont is such a beautiful place; it has such a great variety of landscapes and activities for such a small state, and we’re even starting to see some more diversity! Vermont schools are wonderful, too! My colleagues and students are amazing.”

When asked about the transition to remote learning, Ariana feels that she has been busier than before. Balancing her career with homeschooling her son and taking care of her daughter has been quite difficult. Planning classes has also been challenging; she wants her students to continue learning Spanish through a variety of modes and materials but isolation has made those very limited. Though she truly misses her connection with her student and colleagues, she has been trying to stay connected by making videos, including read-alouds of Spanish books,  for her students.

Thank you, Ariana!