Hello GlobeMed!

We have greatly missed our Sunday night meetings, but we hope that the adjustment process is going smoothly for each of you. We are also sad to have missed our chance to say goodbye to our seniors in person, but we wish you all the best moving forward! Thank you for contributing to this club during your time at Middlebury. Below are some updates about GlobeMed and what our chapter is going to look like for the rest of spring 2020.

Unfortunately, the GROW internship program has been cancelled for this summer. For more details on that and how the larger GlobeMed organization is responding, see the attached PDF.

As a global health club, we find it imperative to continue engaging with hard topics during this time. It is not often when topics that we discuss on Sunday nights hit close to home for all of us, but we cannot escape the effect of covid19 on every single one of our lives. This is a reminder that our topics are very real. We are thankful that Sophie and Myrto’s GHU last month on the emerging covid19 cases in China gave us an opportunity to discuss the virus before it reached closer to Middlebury campus.

We want to decide together how to keep this group talking, learning, and sharing from afar. We believe that we have a lot to gain by coming together with our collective global health knowledge and perspectives. This will be supportive and help everyone to parse out factual information from the never-ending news cycle. However, we also acknowledge that this may be too difficult, emotionally or logistically, for some of us to participate in.

Fort that reason, we will have an OPT-IN group for the remainder of the semester. We will not continue to message in the pre-existing “GlobeMed ’19-’20” groupme or whole chapter emails except with general updates for next year. It will also be open to recent alumni! This is also important if you are considering applying for an eboard position next year, we would love to have you. Please respond to this GoogleForm at your earliest convenience (by the end of this week would be great) to be part of GlobeMed Spring 2020, or email us!

Ansley & Margaret