University of Michigan UM-SMART Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Application opens October 21, 2019 University of Michigan Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) 10-week PAID summer research opportunity on the medical campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Program Highlights: Students receive a stipend of $4,400 plus double occupancy dormitory housing and a meal allowance. The main scientific focus of the summer […]…Continue Reading University of Michigan UM-SMART Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Attend the Student Summer Research Showcase II

Learn about biological research conducted by Middlebury students this past summer Four Midd seniors majoring in the biological sciences (MBBC) will give brief presentations about their summer research experiences at Midd. Presenters are Micaela Roy, Erica Dean, Talia Ruxin, and Amy Conaway.  Lunch will be available at 12:15pm!  WHERE: McCardell Bicentennial Hall 220 WHEN: Friday, November […]…Continue Reading Attend the Student Summer Research Showcase II

STEM in Middlebury News

Check out these articles from the Middlebury Newsroom Physics Majors Present Research at Astronomy Conference Four Middlebury students, along with undergraduates from seven other colleges and universities, presented findings from their research at the 2019 Symposium of the Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium (KNAC). Hosted by Vassar College on October 4 and 5, the symposium was […]…Continue Reading STEM in Middlebury News

Timelines and information for Winter Term internships

Considering a Winter Term internship? Here are some dates and information you’ll need. Many Winter Term internships posted in Handshake have application due dates of November 1. Search Handshake for “Winter Term.” Or find your own internship. CCI can help. See a CCI Peer Career Advisor to have your resume approved. Once you have secured […]…Continue Reading Timelines and information for Winter Term internships

Personal Statement Workshop with Denise Shekerjian ’75

Grad school applicants typically have competitive GPAs, and stellar résumés, so what makes YOUR application unique? Join Denise Shekerjian ’75 to learn more about writing a compelling personal statement for graduate school and other kinds of applications. Lunch is provided so please register in Handshake. Co-sponsored by Fellowships in the Center for Teaching, Learning […]…Continue Reading Personal Statement Workshop with Denise Shekerjian ’75

Apply for the DIS Alumni Fellowship!

Are you a DIS alumnus interested in a global master’s program? Check out this cool new opportunity! There is an exciting new fellowship opportunity for DIS alumni to pursue graduate study at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, one of the world’s foremost medical universities and Sweden’s largest center of medical academic research. Global Master’s Programs […]…Continue Reading Apply for the DIS Alumni Fellowship!