As noted in an email from Provost Jeff Cason on September 18, Middlebury is currently undergoing its decennial comprehensive evaluation for accreditation.  The evaluation consists of the preparation of a Self-Study, a site visit by a review team of peers, and, ultimately, a decision by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).

The 100-page self-study was completed in early June, and has been sent to NECHE and the review team.  It is also posted on the Provost’s Office website for your review.

The next phase of the evaluation are site visits.  In July, two review team members came to Vermont to visit the Language Schools and the Bread Loaf School of English.  The Institute is hosted a site visit for two other review team members on October 1-2. On October 13-14 a team member will travel to the School in Jordan.  The full review team will be in Vermont on November 3-6. 

Faculty, staff and students in Vermont are encouraged to attend open meetings which will be held on November 4 and 5. NECHE asks schools that are undergoing their comprehensive evaluations hold these open meetings so that the faculty, staff, and students can provide input to the review team about the institution. There will also be a meeting on the morning of November 6 for the review team to report out of their visit. Details on these meetings will be announced in the next few weeks.