The United Way of Addison County is enthusiastically preparing for their 2019 Annual Days of Caring event. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Days of Caring and Middlebury College has a long tradition of contributing many volunteers to this event. As you may know, every year the United Way sends out hundreds of community volunteers to complete dozens of projects at non-profits throughout Addison County. This year, the event will be held on Thursday, September 19th and Saturday, September 21th. If you would like to serve as a 2019 Days of Caring Volunteer, please click here no later than September 7th, to register to participate.
Once again Middlebury will support
this event by approving Release Time* for staff who choose to
participate. Please direct any questions about the Days of Caring event
to Linnea Oosterman at the United Way of Addison County at or 802-388-7189; questions
regarding Release Time should be directed to Human Resources at 443-5465.
*Per Middlebury policy, a
Release Time designation means that staff in non-critical positions may request
permission from their managers to participate in this event. Managers will
accommodate such requests, so long as essential services are not negatively
affected. For employees who do volunteer, participation that overlaps the
employees’ regularly scheduled work hours will be considered regular paid time;
participation that falls outside of normal work schedules will be unpaid.