MLA has made the decision to move their content from the ProQuest platform to the EBSCOhost platform. You may already be familiar with EBSCOhost if you’ve accessed our eBook collection, or any other number of databases hosted by EBSCO.

What does this mean for you?

The content is the same! It’s still the MLA Bibliography, but it looks different. What, exactly, has changed? The basic and advanced search forms, buttons for emailing and saving records, and links to access articles and books via full-text databases, MIDCAT, and Interlibrary Loan — all of these appear in slightly different locations, fonts or colors. But overall, MLA via EBSCOhost will feel at least somewhat familiar, we expect.  

MLA Search Form
Search form for MLA via EBSCOhost

How to adapt to this change?

Visit MLA on the EBSCOhost platform and take a look around. Then, update any personal bookmarks to point to the MLA via EBSCOhost:

Questions or concerns?

Please reach out to your library liaison for assistance.