Economists Incorporated (EI), a leading economic consulting firm, has openings for Research Associate positions commencing in the summer of 2019 in its Washington, DC office.

The Research Associate position is typically for two years to four years, depending on EI’s case needs and Research Associate interest. There are multiple positions available, for one of which fluency in Mandarin Chinese is a plus. 

EI Research Associates have the opportunity to work directly with Ph.D. economists from top universities on a variety of high-profile cases concerning antitrust litigation, mergers and acquisitions, government regulation of the private sector, and general commercial litigation.

Recent firm projects include examining the antitrust implications of the vertical integration of health insurers and healthcare providers, determining potential competitive effects of mergers between utility companies, evaluating class certification issues in consumer goods litigation, assessing damages in contract disputes, designing an incentive structure to promote use of renewable energy sources, designing a bidding strategy for participation in an electromagnetic spectrum auction, and assessing the importance of copyright industries (music, motion pictures, publishing, software, etc.) to the U.S. economy.

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